Horizon Forbidden West Drumroot Top is a location you’ll have to reach during The Roots That Bind side-quest featured in the PlayStation exclusive video game published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Horizon 2 Forbidden West Drumroot’s Top is also the location where you’ll have to gather Widemaw Metal Pods by hunting Widemaws or the machines that look a lot like hippos.
Reaching the top of the mountain is the trickiest part while playing the HZFW Roots That Bind quest; therefore, below, I’ll guide you through the cave you have to cross in case you need help. Or if you want to know how to go to the Top of the Drumroot.
Where To Find the Top of Drumroot
As you can see on my map below, the Top of Drumroot is north of Plainsong, on the northern side of the second area Aloy explores while heading west.
This location is best approached while playing The Roots That Bind quest, which starts by either approaching Riverhymn, located southwest of Drumroot or visiting the quest-giver in Plainsong. Regardless, the first objective is to deal with several Tenakht Rebels near Riverhymn.
Once you do that, you’ll meet Kue. Talk to him, and eventually, he’ll ask Aloy to go to the Top of Drumroot. Kue will even show you the way toward the mountain, but he will stop near a waterfall. Now, Aloy has to figure out how to get to the top of the mountain alone.
How To Go to the Top of the Drumroot
During the first section, the path is relatively straightforward; therefore, after talking to Kue, follow the way up the mountain. Go around the small lake on the right side, and you’ll reach a waterfall and a dead end.
Here, you’ll want to scan the mountain wall I have marked for you below and climb it. There is also a Grappling Point you can use by double-tapping X.
In the next area, you’ll see the entrance to a cave. Head inside, and now try to follow the path outlined below. The moment you reach the first room of the cave, go around the large lake and look for an underwater tunnel (pictured below).
Dive and quickly swim through the tunnel ahead, and you’ll emerge in a smaller cave. Here, you’ll find a linear tunnel and the corpse of Vaus. Without spoiling the quest, make sure you loot his body below.
Now, you’ll reach another large cave with several Burrowers. Deal with them first, then scan the large stone in the middle of the cave. Find the wall that allows you to climb on top of the stone, then turn around and scan the stone ledge on the upper section (pictured).
Sprint and jump to reach the said ledge, then remain on the upper floor but go around the central section. Make sure you jump a second time, then follow the linear tunnel ahead. Drop in the cave below when you get to the other side (there’s a chest you can loot on the ground).
Next, head left and keep following the tunnel ahead, and you’ll return to the first cave, but this time you’ll be on the upper level. Here, it is mandatory to lower the ladder on the left side because otherwise, if you fall while ascending, you’ll have to retrace your steps.
Once you do that, scan the pillar in front of you and notice that one of its walls can be climbed. You can see it below, but you have to sprint and jump to get to it.
Now, you’ll have to move left and pull yourself up to the next section of the pillar. From here, you need to scan the next pillar, which is a bit smaller.
Jump on it, and then on the right side, you should see a grappling point if you look up. Jump and double-tap X to reach it, then pull yourself up. When you reach the next section, turn right to spot another wall you can climb.
At this point, you’ll want to head right, and when you get to the next section, you should see a ledge. Pull yourself up, then walk on the ledge. Sprint jump to the top of the central pillar. Right in front of you is a grappling point (pictured). Sprint-jump and double-tap X to reach it.
The moment you pull yourself up in the following area, turn right to scan another stone wall you can climb. This is the way out of the cave, so start moving up and slightly to the right, then up again.
After you exit the cave, your objective is to find 6 Widemaw Metal Pods. Therefore, while on Top of the Drumroot, head southwest, and you’ll be able to spot the giant machines that look like hippos in the area below. Kill both of them and gran the Widemaw Metal Pods, then use the glider to return to Kue and complete the Horizon Forbidden West The Roots That Bind quest.
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