In Palworld, as in most survival games, Wood is an essential material. Wood can be picked up from the ground or obtained from cutting trees, but it can also be produced in Logging Sites by you and your Pals. Considering that the latter method doesn’t require much effort on your part, it can prove very useful.
How To Build a Logging Site in Palworld
Step 1: Unlock the Logging Site
Just like with the Pal Gear Workbench, the Logging Site can be unlocked upon reaching level 7. Keep in mind that you’ll also need Technology Points, which you gain as you level up.
Fortunately, leveling in Palworld is easy and can be achieved by doing almost any activity, but for a faster progression, I suggest catching or killing Pals. Once you meet the requirements, head to the Technology tab and unlock the Logging Site.

Step 2: Gather the Materials
As you’ve probably already noticed, you need the following resources to build the Tree Camp:
- 50 Wood
- 20 Stone
- 10 Paldium Fragment
At least until you build the Logging Site, you need to gather Wood from the ground or cut down trees with an Axe. The stone you can get also from the ground, or by mining rock deposits with a Pickaxe. As for the Paldium Fragments, you obtain them by mining Paldium deposits. If you struggle, you can refer to our Paldium Fragment locations guide.

Step 3: Build a Logging Site
Now that you have gathered the materials, you can press Up on the Dpad of your Xbox controller, select the Logging Site under the Production tab, and press A. Then, find a spot for the Logging Camp in your base while making sure the structure turns blue, and press X. To complete the building, hold X.

How to Use the Logging Site
Using the Logging Site is easy, assuming you have at least one Pal with the Lumbering ability. Of course, you can do the Lumbering yourself, but it requires too much time, so you should know that in Early Access there are 25 Pals who have the Lumbering ability, including:
- Lifmunk
- Tanzee
- Mossanda
- Eikthyrdeer
- Arsox
Lifmunk, who looks like a cute green chipmunk, is the most accessible Pal with the Lumbering ability early in the game. You can see exactly what he looks like in the image below.

Lifmunk Pals can be found around Rayne Syndicate’s Tower, where you have to defeat your first boss for the tutorial. Once you catch at least one of these Pals, you can assign them to your base, and they should start working at the Palworld Logging Site.
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