Dying Light 2 Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors are amongst the trickiest Inhibitors that you’ll have to get in the video game released by Techland. Even if you want to get the Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors at night, the GRE facility is not empty; you’ll find enemies inside.
To ensure no one bothers you in finding, you should eliminate all the enemies, and then you’ll have more time to loot all the crates inside the infected GRE facility.
Where To Find All Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors
The Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors in Dying Light 2 Stay Human are located in a GRE-infected facility in the western area of the Houndifield District. Therefore, you must visit the location at night, equipped with weapons, immunity boosters, and lockpicks. Unfortunately, some of the doors inside the building are locked, and your GRE Access Key will not help you.
The easiest way to enter the GRE facility is from the rooftop, so to get to the Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors, you must use a zip line found on the Cherry Windmill Safe House, northwest of the GRE facility. The Inhibitors inside the Center For Stage IV THV Study will help you upgrade Aiden’s health and stamina, so let’s get to it.
Inhibitor #1: Behind A Door On The Third Floor
Once you reach the rooftop, head right, then left, and left again, and you’ll see the Center For Stage IV THV Study entrance. To open it, you’ll need the GRE Access Key. Inside, turn left and use the ladder to reach the fourth level of the Center For Stage IV THV Study. Next, go downstairs to the third floor and use your GRE Access Key to open the door to your right.
Enter the room and eliminate the enemies. After clearing the area, cross it and go through the door that leads you to the next room; turn left, and you’ll see two doors, as shown in the picture below. You must open the door to the right using a lockpick (easy), and inside, to your left, is the first inhibitor.
Inhibitor #2: Inside The Front Room On The Second Floor
Upon collecting the first inhibitor, turn to your right, and you’ll see a door with an EXIT sign. Go through that door and then through the half-opened doors of the elevator on your left side to reach the second floor.
There is an access door to your right, and your GRE Access Key will not open it. You have to pull the door to get through and access the hallway on the second floor. Then, go through the second door to your right, as shown in the screenshot below.
Inside, to your left, you’ll find another door that you have to lockpick (medium). Eliminate all the enemies in the area, and you should be able to open the door in the front to find the second Dying Light 2 Stay Human Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitor.
Inhibitors #3 & 4: On The Ground Floor
After you get the second inhibitor, follow the cable with yellow stripes on the floor until you reach the stairs that lead to the first floor of the Center For Stage IV THV Study. You’ll have to eliminate some enemies along the way and don’t forget to check your immunity indicator.
Once you reach the first floor, another door that requires your GRE Access Key is on your right side. Go inside and follow the cable with yellow stripes on the floor to reach the location of the last two inhibitors. You’ll reach yet another door that you need to lockpick (medium) on the ground level of the Center For Stage IV THV Study (pictured below).
First, you’ll have to eliminate the boss enemy on the ground floor. Be careful because he will alert other enemies. After clearing the room, open the door, and inside, to your left, the two remaining inhibitors from the Center For Stage IV THV Study Inhibitors await.
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