Dying Light 2 Fake Sparker Cards are quest items you’ll need to find if you wish to complete The Matchmaker side-quest in the video game developed by Techland. Matchmaker side-quest becomes available early in the game in Trinity District.
By completing it, you’ll receive Aiden’s Dating Card, which is a collectible; however, first, you’ll have to find the DL2 Fake Sparker Cards for Raheem. If you need help with them, below I’ll tell you where to find the two Sparker Cards and how to complete The Matchmaker quest.
To start the side quest, you’ll first have to complete the main quest named The Raid, which is the seventh main mission in the video game. Once you do that, head to the Bakery Settlement in Trinity. As you can notice on my map, it is found just east of The Holy Trinity Metro station.

On the roof of the Bakery, you should be able to spot Raheem. He is running a dating service, and you can also see him in the following screenshot.

When you talk to Raheem, he’ll tell you that he is the founder of Sparker, a post-apocalyptic dating service. Sparker is similar to Tinder; however, the service relies on Raheem’s drawing skills since there is no Internet.
Basically, Raheem draws a card for each person and then matches people around the town using the cards he creates. However, the problem is that someone started to create Fake Sparker Cards, and although Raheem managed to get rid of most of them, two cards still exist. Your goal is to find the remaining Fake Sparker Cards.
Where To Find The Fake Sparker Cards
Once you talk to Raheem, the next step is to investigate the map behind him.

When you do this, there will be two locations you have to visit to find the Fake Sparker Cards. Both of them are in the Horseshoe District. Let’s start with the northern one on my map below.

The first DL2 Fake Sparker Card is inside Jack & Joe’s Camp, which is conquered by following the game’s story. Assuming you already control the Bandit Camp, head towards the location above, then cross the bridge at the entrance.
Head inside the main building, then turn left to sport the kitchen. The first Matchmaker Fake Sparker Card pictured below is on the round table in the kitchen.

The second Sparker Card is inside a Dark Hollow that is best approached during the night. You can see the exact location on the following map.

The entrance to the Dark Hollow is behind a large military wall. Upon getting inside the Hollow, you can choose to sneak around or have a more direct approach and kill the infected. Once you get inside the building, cross the first room and head towards the elevator.
Use the one on the left and sneak through the hole in the ceiling to get to the second floor. Now, you’ll want to destroy the planks that block the door on the left side. The Dark Hollow Fake Sparker Card can be observed on the small desk on the left side (pictured below) when you enter the next room.

After you retrieve it, head back to Raheem. For completing the Dying Light 2 Matchmaker side-quest, you’ll receive Aiden’s Sparker Card, which is a collectible, and later in the game, you’ll be able to meet your match. Just make sure you travel to Raheem’s location when a new icon appears on your map.
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