Cyberpunk 2077 Monster Hunt Jotaro Shobo Location Guide

Are you stuck in Night City? Our Cyberpunk 2077 guides are here to help you while exploring it. Check them out and learn how to finish the trickiest Gigs and Side Jobs. Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. It was released for PlayStation 4, Stadia, PC, and Xbox One on December 10, 2020, with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S following on February 15, 2021.

On September 26, 2023, Cyberpunk 2077 received its first DLC, Phantom Liberty, which introduced the lawless district of Dogtown and new Gigs, missions, and collectibles.

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Updated November 25, 2023

Jotaro Shobo is a targeted objective for a Cyberpunk 2077 Gig you can complete in the Watson, Kabuki area. This Gig is named Monster Hunt, and your goal is to find and neutralize Jotaro Shobo.

Look for this Gig close to the Allen St South fast travel point in the southeastern corner of Watson. On my map below, you can see that it’s north of Welcome To America, Comrade Gig.

Where To Find The Starting Location of The Monster Hunt Gig

When you get close to this location (aka Ho-Oh Club), Regina will send you a small briefing on what you have to do. Again, you’ll have to get inside the hostile area and find and neutralize Jotaro Shobo.

Where To Find Jotaro Shobo in Cyberpunk 2077

Jotaro Shobo is found on the last floor, or the third floor of Ho-Oh Club. Depending on your playstyle and the way you developed your character, this mission can be tackled in two ways. If you like direct approaches, you can start shooting each and every enemy while working your way up to the last floor.

If you prefer a stealthier approach, things are also pretty easy because the AI is, well, not very smart. When you enter the club, you’ll see this guy guarding the path you need to follow.

Where To Find The Ho-Oh Club Guard Blocking The Way

Hacking the slot machines on the right side allows you to distract him, and you can simply walk around and then follow the stairs to the second floor. Here, things are even easier because you can basically follow the main corridor and avoid every single guard.

Once you reach the third floor, things get even easier because, again, although a great game, the AI in Cyberpunk 2077 is plain stupid.

Jotaro Shobo (pictured below) patrols between his office and apartment. Inside the office is a camera you can breach or turn off, then simply take him out. He’s wearing a white suit and is impossible to miss. If you want, you can also wait for him to get inside his bedroom and just take him out.

The Location Of Jotaro Shobo In His Room

When you finally get close to Jotaro, you have two options for dealing with him: kill him or perform a non-lethal takedown on him. If you choose to kill him on the spot, leave the area following the same path you got here to end the CP2077 Monster Hunt gig.

But if you opt to perform a non-lethal takedown on Jotaro, you’ll need to take him out of Ho-Oh and bring him to a fixer’s vehicle parked across the street from the club.

The Trunk Where You can Dump Jotaro's Body To Finish The Monster Hunter Gig

The fixer will make sure Jotaro is dealt with properly at the Mox. Once you’ve successfully placed Jotaro’s body in the vehicle’s trunk, the Gig will be concluded.

Are you stuck in Night City? Our Cyberpunk 2077 guides are here to help you while exploring it. Check them out and learn how to finish the trickiest Gigs and Side Jobs. Cyberpunk 2077 is an action role-playing video game developed and published by CD Projekt. It was released for PlayStation 4, Stadia, PC, and Xbox One on December 10, 2020, with PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S following on February 15, 2021.

On September 26, 2023, Cyberpunk 2077 received its first DLC, Phantom Liberty, which introduced the lawless district of Dogtown and new Gigs, missions, and collectibles.

Phantom Liberty DLC Guides:

Gigs & Side Jobs:

Vehicle Locations:

Tips & Tricks: 

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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  1. hello there is locked room, on the 3rd floor of the club. do you know of any way to get the authorization access for the locked room?

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