Baldur’s Gate 3 Faith-Leap Trial is the third and final trial you must complete in the Gauntlet of Shar. The Faith-Leap Trial involves traversing an invisible path to claim an Umbral Gem at the end. However, navigating this invisible path can quickly become infuriating as you will kill your companions many times until you reach the other side of the room.
But there’s no need to lose your sanity, as we have found an alternative solution to this problem. As such, this Baldur’s Gate 3 guide provides all the details to help you pass the Faith-Leap Trial in Gauntlet of Shar as smoothly as possible.
Where To Find the BG3 Gauntlet of Shar Faith-Leap Trial
The Faith-Leap Trial is located directly below the Self-Same Trial in the Gauntlet of Shar.

From the Gauntlet of Shar waypoint, head north past the Soft-Step Trial and Self-Same Trial and take the stairs down to the end of the corridor. The plaque on the floor before the trial door reads “Her Most Sacred Path “.

After entering the Bulky Door, let’s see how to easily handle the Gauntlet of Shar Faith-Leap Trial in Baldur’s Gate 3.
How To Solve the Faith-Leap Trial in Gauntlet of Shar
The key to passing the BG3 Faith-Leap Trial is revealed on the markings on the floor between the door entrance and the Ancient Altar. Following the path outlined by these markings will safely lead you to the other side of the room.

Although completing the Faith-Leap Trial should be possible with this information, you may still struggle to navigate the hidden path without falling and killing your companions. Fortunately, the Faith-Leap Trial can be completed without even stepping on the hidden path.
To do this, you can use the Scroll of Fly or the Grant Flight (Level 3 Transformation Spell) to gain the ability to fly for one of your party members and fly from one platform to the next until you reach the Umbral Gem. You can purchase the Scroll of Fly from traders and merchants in exchange for gold. Alternatively, you can learn the Grant Flight spell if you have a Sorcerer, Warlock, or Wizard character/companion, such as Gale or Wyll.

Make a blood offering at the Ancient Altar to start the Faith-Leap Trial, get near the edge behind the altar, and enter Turn-Based Mode by pressing Shift+Space. Grant yourself the ability to fly using a scroll or a spell and fly over to one of the two platforms, as shown in the image below.

End the turn to all your characters and repeat the same process until you reach the Umbral Gem at the end of the trial. Once you pick up the Umbral Gem, the darkness will dissipate, and you can use the Umbral Transporter to return to the Ancient Altar at the beginning of the trial.
After completing the Faith-Leap Trial and obtaining its Umbral Gem, you can now continue exploring Baldur’s Gate 3’s Gauntlet of Shar and solve the Silent Library puzzle next door. Additionally, you will encounter other trials, puzzles, and mysteries to solve in Act 2 of the game. If you need help, look for them on our Wiki Hub Page here.
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