You may come across the Rosymorn Monastery as you approach the end of Act 1 in Baldur’s Gate 3. If you choose to take the Mountain Pass to reach Moonrise Towers, you will find the Rosymorn Monastery off the main road, along with a fairly challenging puzzle to solve.
You must collect the missing weapons scattered throughout the monastery to solve the puzzle. Specifically, you need to find the Ceremonial Mace, Ceremonial Battleaxe, and Ceremonial Warhammer. Here’s how to solve the Rosymorn Monastery Dawnmaster puzzle and find each ceremonial weapon location in Baldur’s Gate 3.
Where to Find the BG3 Rosymorn Monastery Dawnmaster Puzzle
The Rosymorn Monastery is located in the Mountain Pass area of the world map. From the Trielta Crags Waypoint, take the path heading northeast. At the beginning of the path, you will meet Lady Esther, who will ask for your help stealing a Githyanki egg.
Once you reach the locked doors of the Rosymorn Monastery, look for the vines called Knotted Roots on the west side that can be climbed to access the upper floor. Follow the path ahead (north), take a right turn past a Barricade, and head again north to enter the room with the Stained-Glass Window on the floor.
Let’s solve the puzzle in the Dawnmaster room of Rosymorn Monastery by collecting all ceremonial weapons and placing them on the correct altar.
How to Solve the Rosymorn Monastery Dawnmaster Puzzle in Baldur’s Gate III
As you probably noticed, a circular Stained-Glass Window is on the floor surrounded by four altars. One altar has a Ceremonial Longsword and two glowing blue lights. Each quarter of the stained glass shows a keeper holding a weapon, with the keeper closest to the sword altar holding a sword.
As we mentioned earlier, to solve the Rosymorn Monastery puzzle, you must collect the Ceremonial Battleaxe, Ceremonial Warhammer, and Ceremonial Mace scattered throughout the monastery and place them on the other altars.
Where to Find the Ceremonial Battleaxe
Leave the Rosymorn Monastery stained glass window room by heading south, then jump across the gap on the left side. There is a drawing of a sun with red and yellow on the floor near the gap. Once on the other side, proceed forward a few steps, and you’ll see a locked Enchanted Door.
Use a high dexterity character to lockpick the door and jump over the debris to enter the room. You’ll find the Ceremonial Battleaxe on the ground, guarded by an active Guardian of Faith spell.
After you pick up the Ceremonial Battleaxe off the ground, the Guardian of Faith will become hostile, and the battle will commence.
Where to Find the Ceremonial Warhammer
Once you’ve collected the Ceremonial Battleaxe and defeated the Guardian of Faith, leave the room and turn left to see some Knotted Roots (vines) that you can climb under the cracked floor. Before climbing up, it is recommended to quicksave the game by pressing F5.
At the top of the vines, you will encounter both the Ancient Eagle and the Giant Eagle guarding the Ceremonial Warhammer in their nest. The only way to retrieve the Ceremonial Warhammer is to defeat both of them. There is no way to talk them down, even if you drink the Potion of Animal Speaking.
Be cautious during the fight, as they may cast Thunderwave, causing your party to fall off the edge.
Where to Find the Ceremonial Mace
The Ceremonial Mace can be found by looting one of the drunken kobolds on the ground floor. Make your way back to the Rosymorn Monastery Doors (main entrance). Near the Knotted Roots (vines) you climbed to reach the puzzle room, you’ll see two broken windows you can jump through.
Due to excessive alcohol consumption, the Kobolds are bombs that you can ignite using any Fire spell. So, defeat them using Fire spells to deal AOE damage, then inspect their corpses to find the Ceremonial Mace.
How to Complete the Rosymorn Monastery Dawnmaster Puzzle
After obtaining all three ceremonial weapons, return to the room featuring the Stained-Glass Window on the floor. To solve the Stained Glass puzzle in the Rosymorn Monastery, place the Ceremonial Mace, Ceremonial Warhammer, and Ceremonial Battleaxe as follows:
Pedestal | Ceremonial Weapon |
Dawnmaster Stockhold | Ceremonial Mace |
Dawnmaster Vaseid | Ceremonial Battleaxe |
Dawnmaster Seed | Ceremonial Warhammer |
You can interact with the plaque on the pedestal to identify it and place the correct ceremonial weapon on it. To place a ceremonial weapon on a pedestal, you can either use the Throw action or drag and drop it from your inventory. When you place all four weapons on their pedestals, a hidden compartment will open up next to the Ceremonial Sword, revealing a pouch containing a letter and the Dawnmaster’s Crest.
You will also receive the Morninglord’s Radiance buff that adds Radiant damage to your weapon attacks, making it useful for upcoming battles up the Mountain Pass. Congratulations on solving the Rosymorn Monastery puzzle in Baldur’s Gate 3. Feel free to visit our Wiki Hub Page if you want to find and solve more puzzles or quests.
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