Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Mastery Tree Cars Guide

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Updated January 2, 2024

Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Cars are the hardest to get because they require a lot of Skill Points and a lot of time. The FH5 Hidden Cars, also known as Mastery Tree Cars, are unique, and most likely, you won’t be able to find them in the Auction House.

Furthermore, they do not exist in the open world, inside barns, and you can’t win them. Yet you may want to know how to get them; therefore, we’ll discuss all Forza Horizon 5 Mastery Tree Cars and how to unlock them in the following guide.

How To Get The FH5 Mastery Tree Cars

Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Cars Locations

From the start, it’s worth knowing what is a Mastery Tree Car in Forza Horizon 5. Simply put, an FH5 Mastery Tree Car is a car you can unlock via the Mastery Tree of another car.

For example, if you own a 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon and check its Car Mastery Tree (pictured above), you can see that by spending 50 Mastery Points, you’ll unlock the 2013 DeBerti Wrangler Unlimited or the 2013 DeBerti Design Jeep Wrangler Rubicon. This is a hidden Forza Horizon 5 Mastery Tree Car.

How To Unlock Hidden Mastery Tree Cars

When it comes to unlocking all FH5 Hidden Mastery Tree Cars, things can get a bit tedious, and there are two essential aspects you have to consider. The first one refers to the cars that come with this feature or those that allow you to unlock new models.

Since there are 553 cars in Forza Horizon 5, checking all of them is time-consuming. If you add that you can only see the Skill Tree of a car while driving it, you can imagine that you have to switch between all cars and check their trees. Crazy, right?

This task, however, can be avoided if you know the cars that come with this option. And these cars are:

  • 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon
  • 1969 Dodge Charger R/T
  • 1990 Mazda Savanna RX-7
  • 1995 Porsche 911 GT2
  • 1997 Lamborghini Diablo SV

As you can see, out of 553 FH5 Cars, only 5 of them come with a Hidden Mastery Tree Car. The second important aspect you have to know is how to save Skill Points while working on unlocking a Forza Horizon 5 Mastery Tree Car.

That’s because to get all hidden cars in the video game, you need a lot of Skill Points, and obviously, you need to save as many as you can. Since these perks are on the highest line in the Perk Trees, you may want to learn how to unlock them without wasting Skill Points on other Perks you don’t need. As such, let’s go over all these cars and the perks you have to unlock.

2013 DeBerti Wrangler Unlimited

Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Cars Locations

For the FH5 2013 DeBerti Wrangler Unlimited, you must get the 2012 Jeep Wrangler Rubicon above. It costs 50,000 Credits, and you can buy it from Autoshow. Alternatively, you can win it at Wheelspins. To get the 2013 DeBerti Wrangler Unlimited, unlock the following perks:

  • Uncanny Resemblance (1 Skill Point)
  • Fender Bender (1 Skill Point)
  • This Is Fine (3 Skill Points)
  • Design Philosophy (5 Skill Points)
  • 2013 DeBerti Design Jeep Wrangler Rubicon (50 Skill Points)

As you can notice, for this hidden FH5 Mastery Tree Car alone, you need 60 Skill Points.

1969 Dodge Charger Daytona HEMI

Forza Horizon 5 All Hidden Cars In Mastery Skill Tree

The Forza Horizon 5 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona HEMI requires you to unlock the 1969 Dodge Charger R/T. At the Autoshow, the Dodge Charger R/T costs 103,000 Credits, but you can also get it for free after you complete the Long Gone Accolade or by winning it at the wheelspin. To get the hidden 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona, spend your skill points on the following perks:

  • Crowd Pleaser (1 Skill Point)
  • Close Call (1 Skill Point)
  • Wombo Combo (1 Skill Point)
  • Go For The Gap (3 Skill Points)
  • Outta Time (5 Skill Points)
  • Lucky Hit (5 Skill Points)
  • 1969 Dodge Charger Daytona Hemi (50 Skill Points)

Notice that you need 66 Skill Points for this car.

1992 Hoonigan Mazda RX-7 Twerkstallion

Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Mastery Skill Tree Cars

FH5 1992 Hoonigan Mazda RX-7 Twerkstallion requires you to unlock the 1990 Mazda Savanna RX-7. This car is a bit trickier because you can’t buy it, so you have two options unless you are lucky and win it at a Wheelspin.

You can opt to buy it from the Auction House, but it costs around 1.5 million Credits. Or, you can unlock it by finishing the Three of a Kind Accolade. The latter method is recommended, and all you need to do is finish the Super7 Tournament 3 times. So there is a total of 21 Community Challenges you have to beat. After you get the 1990 Mazda Savanna RX-7, unlock the following perks:

  • A Fine Addition (1 Skill Point)
  • Gonna Need A Montage (3 Skill Points)
  • Lucky Hit (5 Skill Points)
  • 1992 Hoonigan Mazda RX-7 Twerkstallion (50 Skill Points)

1991 Hoonigan Porsche 911 Turbo RWB

Forza Horizon 5 Mastery Skill Tree Cars

Next, we have the FH5 1991 Hoonigan Porsche 911 Turbo RWB, which you can unlock from the 1995 Porsche 911 GT2. The latter is available via your Car Collection, and it costs 550.000 Credits or can be won from Wheelspins. Once you get it, make sure you buy only the following Perks:

  • Crowd Pleaser (1 Skill Point)
  • Send It (1 Skill Point)
  • Natural Drifter (1 Skill Point)
  • Influencer (3 Skill Points)
  • Bump Drafting (3 Skill Points)
  • King Of The Road (10 Skill Points)
  • 1991 Hoonigan Rauh-Welt Begriff Porsche 911 Turbo (50 Skill Points)

1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR

FH5 Mastery Skill Tree Cars

Finally, you can unlock the FH5 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR from the 1997 Lamborghini Diablo SV obtained from Wheelspins or by buying it from Autoshow for 174,000 Credits. Once you add your car to your collection, unlock all Perks listed below if you want to save your Skill Points.

  • For A Rainy Day (1 Skill Point)
  • Road Warrior (1 Skill Point)
  • Dori-Kin (1 Skill Point)
  • Skill Legend (3 Skill Points)
  • Spinball Wizard (3 Skill Points)
  • Show Me What You Got (5 Skill Points)
  • 1999 Lamborghini Diablo GTR (50 Skill Points)

These are all Forza Horizon 5 Mastery Tree Cars, available at launch, so make sure you get them as soon as you have enough Skill Points.

Welcome to Mexico Forza fans and to GameClubz’s Forza Horizon 5 hub page, where you can find answers to all your questions! Everything can be found here: the most challenging events, the trickiest collectibles, and tips & tricks to help you rule Mexico’s streets. Don’t know where to start?

Then check out the Treasure Map for all 200 XP Boards, or if you want to fast-travel for free, use our Fast Travel Boards Treasure Map. Want to get your hands on 14 Legendary Vehicles? Our Barn Finds Treasure Map shows where they are. Ready? Set? Vamos!

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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