Forza Horizon 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt Guide

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Updated January 3, 2024

Forza Horizon 5 Sustainable Energy is the second Series 10 Treasure Hunt you’ll need to complete during the Autumn Season in the video game developed by Playground Games. FH5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt is worth 5000 XP and 100 FP you can spend at the Horizon Forzathon.

However, to get your hand on both rewards, you’ll have to figure out how to use the Forza Horizon 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Clue to make the chest appear on your map. Unlike the previous Treasure Hunt, the FH5 Sustainable Energy in Series 10 is a bit trickier, but throughout the guide below, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about it.

FH5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt Autumn Season Guide

Forza Horizon 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt

To find the Forza 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt, you must check your Festival Playlist.

  • Go to the game’s menu
  • Choose the Campaign Tab
  • Select Festival Playlist
  • Pick the Autumn Tab
  • On your Xbox controller, use the left thumbstick to scroll right and see the FH5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt in my screenshot above

As you can notice, the Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt Clue states that in Guanajuato, EV charging points are every 15 seconds, but 100 are maintained. If you ask yourself what this means or what you have to do, the answer is simple. You must drive an EV car in Guanajuato and maintain a minimum speed of 100 MPH for 15 seconds.

It is worth knowing that for this weekly challenge, you must maintain the required speed for 15 seconds in a row, not combined. This means that if you drop below 100 MPH, the Treasure Chest won’t spawn. On top of this, you’ll also need an EV car. Let’s see how to get one.

Sustainable Energy Treasure Clue Solution

The first thing you’ll want to do for this Treasure Hunt is to get an EV Car. As such, in the game’s menu, go to your car collection and check the Extreme E tab.

You can use any of the Extreme E vehicles listed in the tab, but assuming you don’t have any of them, you can simply buy the 2022 #99 Chip Ganassi Racing GMC Hummer EV. You don’t need to unlock this model, but it costs you 700.000 CR.

Forza Horizon 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Chest Location

When you purchase this car, you’ll notice that it’s an A-Class vehicle. While this may be enough for the Treasure Hunt, you may want to increase its class to S1:

  • Go to the game’s menu
  • Choose the Cars Tab
  • Pick Tune Car
  • Select Setup Manager
  • Select Search
  • In the Performance Class tab, select S1
  • Finally, pick one of the available tunes

Great, so now that you have a car that can easily maintain a speed of 100 MPH, let’s see the best location to achieve it. Open your map and fast-travel east of Guanajuato at the location I have marked below.

FH5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt

The idea here is to drive west on the main street in the city because, as you can see, it’s a straight line where you can maintain the required speed without difficulties. Upon arriving at the location on my map, simply follow the route on your GPS until you are notified that the Treasure Challenge is complete.

Where To Find the Treasure Chest

Upon receiving the notification that the Sustainable Energy Treasure Challenge is complete, open your map again, and you’ll see the location of the Treasure Chest.

FH5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Chest Location

As you can notice in my screenshot above, the Sustainable Energy Treasure Chest in Forza Horizon 5 Series 10 is north of the Cathedral Circuit starting point. Drive to its location, and you should be able to see it behind a market stall close to the road (also pictured below).

Forza 5 Sustainable Energy Treasure Hunt

And that’s it, treasure hunter! You just found the Forza 5 Sustainable Energy Chest and finished the Series 10 Autumn Season Treasure Challenge.

Welcome to Mexico Forza fans and to GameClubz’s Forza Horizon 5 hub page, where you can find answers to all your questions! Everything can be found here: the most challenging events, the trickiest collectibles, and tips & tricks to help you rule Mexico’s streets. Don’t know where to start?

Then check out the Treasure Map for all 200 XP Boards, or if you want to fast-travel for free, use our Fast Travel Boards Treasure Map. Want to get your hands on 14 Legendary Vehicles? Our Barn Finds Treasure Map shows where they are. Ready? Set? Vamos!

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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