Forza Horizon 5 Palacio Azul Del Oceano Hotel Balcony XP Board is the second Bonus Board you have to smash in this area, the first one being the one on the roof of the northern hotel in the complex. The FH5 Palacio Azul Del Oceano Hotel Balcony Board is, in fact, quite accessible, even though it will look impossible to get if you approach it early in the game.
Nevertheless, now that you know how to get the XP Bonus Board on the Western Coast Hotel Roof, it is time to smash this one, and below, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about it.
How To Smash the FH5 Western Coast Hotel Balcony Board
Let’s start with the Forza Horizon 5 Western Coast Hotel Balcony Bonus Board location. As you can see on my map below, this board is close to the beach. When you get close to the complex, you need to look up to spot it while standing on top of the stairs near the central round plaza.
If, by any chance, you use my XP Bonus Boards Treasure Map to track these collectibles, this is the 154th XP Board in the video game developed by Playground Games.

Now, as mentioned, to smash the XP Board on the hotel’s balcony, you’ll need a ramp, and this ramp spawns only after you complete the Jungle Expedition. The said expedition unlocks the PR Stunt and a series of ramps.
It is one of the two FH5 XP Boards that require the PR Stunts since you have other options for the rest of them. The other one is the Bonus Board on the White Los Jardines Tent. So, progress through the story and complete the Jungle Expedition to unlock the PR Stunts, including the one on my map above. You can see it between the two arrows.
Recommended Car
When it comes to the recommended car for the FH5 Hotel Balcony Board, things are relatively easy because you can use the same care you have used to get the board on the hotel’s roof.
This means that you won’t need a supercar or a hypercar. I was able to smash the Palacio Azul Del Oceano Balcony Board with the 2011 BMW X5 M I won at the wheelspin. It is a B Class car, so nothing too fancy.
Starting Location
Assuming you decide to use the same car as I did, the hill located northeast of the actual board is the starting location. Again, you can see it on the map above, marked by the yellow arrow. Or you can see it below.

The idea here is simple. You’ll have to drive in a straight line, starting from the hill in my image, hit the ramp, then smash the board on the balcony. Even if you fail to complete the PR Stunt, your main objective is to hit the board, so don’t worry about the event.
When you get close to the ramp, you’ll want to have a speed of around 135 MPH using the recommended car; however, you’ll also want to steer slightly to the left because you can’t control your car’s direction while flying. Since the balcony is on the left side of the ramp, you need to set the ideal trajectory before you start flying.

If by any chance you miss the Forza Horizon 5 Board on the hotel’s balcony, consider using the rewind option (Y on your Xbox controller), but do this after you get the correct trajectory. The goal here is to make minor adjustments to your speed and, if needed, to get those missing inches standing between your car and the board. Although this may sound complicated, it is, in fact, more accessible than you think, provided you unlock the ramp required for this collectible.

Did you manage to smash the Forza Horizon 5 Palacio Azul Del Oceano Hotel Balcony XP Board? What car did you use?
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