Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Super Loops is a Major Mission featured in the DLC released by Playground Games for FH5, and it becomes available after reaching Pro Rank. Forza Horizon 5 Super Loops Major Mission is worth 50 medals you’ll most likely need if you wish to unlock the Expert Rank faster.
To unlock the said medals and complete the Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels DLC Super Loops Mission, your goal is to earn 3 Hot Wheels Loop-the-Loop Skills by driving through Hot Wheels loops within 2 minutes.
Even though this task may look a bit difficult, as you are about to see below, the Super Loops Mission in FH5 Hot Wheels DLC is probably the easiest in the Pro Rank Class. Here is what you have to do to complete it in less than 1 minute.
Recommended Car
For this Forza Horizon 5 DLC Major Mission, you’ll need to use an A Class Car, even though in the mission description, the game doesn’t tell you this. However, since the Pro Rank Class is all about A Class cars, it goes without saying that you’ll want to drive an A Class Car.
The car’s power is not important because, as you are about to see, you can finish the Super Loops DLC Mission even with the slowest car, as long as it’s an A-Class Car. Furthermore, you can even use an A-Class Car that you have unlocked in the base game. For example, I have used the 2007 Peugeot 207 Super 2000.

How To Earn 3 Hot Wheels Loop-The-Loop Skills in 2 Minutes
Now, while the car is not important for this Major Mission, the location where you attempt to complete it is. As such, to choose the best location, you need to know what a Loop looks like in Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels DLC.
A Loop is basically a part of the racing track where you get to move vertically in a circle, turning upside down. It looks like a ring, and if you check the picture above, you can see one on the left side of the yellow arrow. On your map, a Loop has the shape of the letter S.
The Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Loop-The-Loop is a stunt you can perform by going through a Loop. For this mission, you’ll need to go through 3 of them in less than 2 minutes. Sounds complicated, right? Well, it’s not as long as you know where to try this type of Stunt. As such, open your map, and in the central area just south of The Nexus, you can see two Loops very close to each other. You can also see them marked on the map below.

On my map, you can also notice the starting location for the Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Super Loops Mission, so after you switch to an A Class Car, drive to the spot I have marked for you. Now, you’ll want to drive through the first Loop following the path marked above, then take a sharp turn moving towards the second Loop (also marked above).
Once you exit the second Loop, make sure that the counter on the left side of the screen counts it as completed (pin the mission on your screen), then use the handbrake to turn around at 180 degrees and go through the second Loop on my map.
The actual trick here, and what the game doesn’t tell you, is that you don’t have to drive through three different loops. You can drive through the same Loop three times simply by turning your car around. Or, in this case, you can drive through 2 Hot Wheels Loops and repeat the last one.
And that’s it! Now you know how to complete the Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Super Loops Pro Rank Major Mission and how to earn 3 Hot Wheels Loop-the-Loop Skills.
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