The three Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Brighthoof Scrolls are mandatory if you want to fill the progress bar to 100% while exploring Tina’s hubtown. The Lore Scrolls allow you to get 100% completion and also unlock some funny audio files belonging to specific NPCs. On top of this, they are a good source of XP, which means that there are multiple benefits to finding them.
Where To Find the Brighthoof Lore Scrolls
On the map below, you can notice that in the video game developed by Gearbox Software, the three Scrolls in Brighthoof are on the northwestern side of the town.

You have to be aware, though, that only 2 of them can be acquired when you first enter Brighthoof, the third having a requirement we’ll outline below.
Lore Scroll #1: On a Crate in Harborside
The first Brighthoof Scroll on the map above is on a crate or table in the Harborside area.

It sits outside on a balcony you can reach via the exterior stairs of the large building. This Scroll is named Submission Denied, and it belongs to the Dockmaster who received a design for a blimp from Ecktobert Swoszowski.
Lore Scroll #2: Inside Ye Olde Bandits Lair
The second Lore Scroll in Brighthoof is inside the Ye Olde Bandits Lair marked on the map above. However, to get it, you’ll have to finish the Emotion of the Ocean main quest because you’ll need to fire the canon pictured below.

Since the barrel you have to shoot is at the bottom of the sea, you won’t be able to ignite it. This means that first, you’ll have to complete the said quest, then return to the location of the Scroll and fire the cannon on the other side of the dock.
Once you do this, you’ll break the gate of the Ye Olde Bandits Lair, and inside, you’ll find the 11th Lucky Dice in our guide here. On the table, you’ll also see the second Lore Scroll. This Scroll is named The Yumming, and it belongs to a cake.

Lore Scroll #3: Inside Izzy’s Fizzies
The third and final Brighthoof Scroll is inside Izzy’s Fizzies tavern and is very accessible. Simply check the second floor, and you’ll see it in a small room (pictured below). The Scroll named Is He? belongs to Izzy, also called Isabel Bloodtooh. After getting the third Scroll, you may also want to check the Lost Marble nearby.

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