Fatemakers, do you need help finding all Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Queen’s Gate Lucky Dice chests? Of course, you do because no real hero would face the Skeletons ahead without the best weapons Gearbox Software devs designed for their video game.
So, the Queen’s Gate Lucky Dice chests are an excellent source of gear, and you also need all of them to reach 100% completion in the second area you get to explore. The problem, however, is that while there were only 4 Lucky Dice chests in Snoring Valley, in Queen’s Gate, you’ll need to find a whopping 15!
Regardless, fear not, Fatemakers, because I’ve got you covered, and I will show you where to final all fifteen Queen’s Gate Lucky Dice collectibles to get your hands on the best loot faith has to offer. Since the loot, it’s random…
Where To Find the Queen’s Gate Dice Chests
To make your search and Lucky Dice hunt as easy and pleasant as possible, we’ll use the Queen’s Gate map below to pinpoint all 14 collectibles. Obviously, you can get most of these while playing the Hero of Birghthoof quest, but since you’ll be under constant fire, it’s better to start looking for them after you reach the end of this region, just before leaving.
Or, better yet, you can return here whenever you want via fast travel. Remember that 2 Lucky Dice chests require story progression, as you are about to see. So, Fatemaker, behold the Queen’s Gate Lucky Dice locations map showing the first 14 hidden chests in this area.

Since some of these chests are pretty tricky, follow the tips below if you get stuck or need help finding them.
Lucky Die #1: On the Broken Bridge
The first Queen’s Gate Lucky Die is on top of the broken bridge down the road as you enter this area from Snoring Valley. You can see it below, but you won’t be able to reach it right away because you have to go through a cave down the beach and meet Paladin Mike.

Lucky Die #2: Behind the Watermill
The second Lucky Die chest is next to a watermill. Precisely behind the watermill’s wheel, as you can notice below.

Lucky Die #3: On a Balcony in Buttsville
The third Queen’s Gate Lucky Die is on a balcony in Buttsville, marked on the map above. To get this one, you’ll need to jump on the roof. Simply go around the building and look for the lower side of the roof. Next, drop near the collectible.

Lucky Die #4: Behind a House
Are we tired yet, Fatemaker? We are just getting started, and the next Lucky Die is relatively easy to miss. You’ll find it behind a house close to the cliff’s edge at the location I have marked on the map.

Lucky Die #5: Inside a Tunnel
The fifth Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Lucky Die in Queen’s Gate is inside a small tunnel down the hill. You can see its location below, and if you can’t reach this area (although you should), try finishing the main quest so that Tina can create a bridge for you.

Lucky Die #6: On a Crate
For the next collectible on my map, you need to get to the Rampant Parts. This one is pretty easy to spot because it’s on top of a crate, as you can see. Jump on the smaller box nearby and collect your loot.

Lucky Die #7: In a Garden
Moving on, another Lucky Die collectible can be found in a small garden near one of the catapults you have to disable using the Fantastic-4. Later, you’ll use the same catapult to get to the other side of the water area here. Close to this catapult is a small garden (behind Alma’s house), and near the edge of the cliff is the Die.

Lucky Die #8: Inside a Cave
From the previous location, if you look around (left while facing the Lucky Die above), you’ll be able to spot another one. It is inside the cave (pictured below), and you may want to get it as fast as possible. This cave is known as the Graveyard of Lost Bards.

Lucky Die #9: Near the Tower
Upon using the catapult to reach the tower near the village, head left. The Lucky Die is out in the opening on the cliff’s edge. Easiest so far, right?

Lucky Die #10: Inside the Tower
The tenth Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Lucky Die is inside the tower. It’s also in an open area, and it’s extremely easy to spot.

Lucky Die #11: On Top of a Broken Pillar
The next Queen’s Gate Die is a bit trickier because even if you can spot it in the tower’s courtyard, you’ll have to jump to get it. The collectible is on top of a stone pillar, but to get it, you’ll have to jump from the upper wall of the tower. You can see the exact location in my screenshot below.

Lucky Die #12: On a Balcony Near the North Gate
After Tina creates a bridge for you to cross the water, you’ll have to defend a tunnel near the northern gate. Upon dealing with the invaders, look for a rather solitary house, and on the balcony, you’ll see the collectible. Simply climb the roof and drop near the Die.

Lucky Die #13: On the Docks
Another Queen’s Gate Lucky Die can be found on the docks in the starting area. Although this one should be the first one you pick, it’s easy to miss due to a large number of enemies attacking your hero.

Lucky Die #14: On the Edge of the Cliff (Requires Story Progression)
The next Die is close to the previous one, but you won’t be able to get it during your first visit. This collectible is close to the cliff’s edge, and you’ll be able to get it after you progress through the main story (finish Emotion of the Ocean Main Quest), which I am not going to spoil for obvious reasons. Just remember to check this location later.

Lucky Die #15: Near the Ancient Obelisk (Requires Story Progression)
Finally, the last Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Queen’s Gate Lucky Die also requires story progression as it is in an area you can’t access early in the game. So again, finish the Emotion of the Ocean quest to get it. As you can see on the map below, this one is found near the Queen’s Gate Ancient Obelisk at the edge of the map. It sits in the opening, so it’s pretty easy to spot.

And that’s it, Fatemakers! You just found all Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands collectibles, but don’t forget there are more waiting for you. For now, if you have questions, drop them in the comments section below.
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