A total of 19 Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Lucky Dice Chests must be found in the area known as Mount Craw or Goblin Hovel if you wish to fill the progress bar or reach 100% completion while exploring it. Alongside other Mount Craw collectibles, the Lucky Dice are best approached after you complete all quests in this region.
Therefore, first, you’ll want to deal with the main quests that lead you to the final boss (Vorcanar), and then you’ll want to play all side quests since they’ll allow you to unlock new sub-areas.
Where To Find the Mount Craw Dice Chests
To make your collectibles hunt easier, and because Mount Craw is a vast region, we’ll start with the usual Lucky Dice locations map. As you can notice, the Chests are scattered all over the place.

The map above should help you get all of them; however, if you encounter difficulties, check the tips and screenshots below, as we’ll go over all 19 Lucky Dice in Mount Craw. Here is how to get them.
Lucky Die #1: Behind a Tree
The first Lucky Chest you can get in this area of the video game developed by Gearbox Software is in Stareagog Point. Head to the location on the map above and look for it near the mountain wall, behind a tree. You’ll also see a Wyvern nest above the collectible.

Lucky Die #2: Near a Green Crystal
Upon entering Vorcanar’s Vicissitude, a large mine with Green Crystals, you can find the second Mount Craw Die Chest on my map above. Look for it on the second level of the cave, near a Crystal. Use the painted ledge to climb to the upper section and collect it.

Lucky Die #3: On a Balcony
After you exit the previous cave, you’ll enter The Shimmering Loch, the large central area in the Mount Craw region. Here, you’ll want to find the third Lucky Die marked on the map above. It’s sitting on a balcony you can reach using the ladder nearby.

Lucky Die #4: Above Claptrap’s Furnace
The next Lucky Die collectible is in Hootfoot Quarry, an area you can access by playing Claptrap’s Forgery side-quest. This Chest is above the main gate (where you meet Claptrap), and you can get it by climbing the ladder on the other side.

Lucky Die #5: At the End of a Tunnel
After getting the previous Chest, head inside the quarry and check the tunnel on the right side. You’ll spot the Die on the right side.

Lucky Die #6: On the Edge of the Mountain
Two additional Mount Craw Lucky Dice are in The Cave of Dave, an area you’ll unlock by playing the Non-Violent Offender side-quest. After you get to the cave, cross the broken bridge, and on the right side, you’ll see a ledge painted in yellow (marked below). Ascend the mountain’s wall from the ground and follow the path ahead to get to the Chest waiting for you at the edge near some candles (also marked below).

Lucky Die #7: On a Stone Pillar
From the previous Chest, jump down and cross the bridge again. You’ll spot another Die on a stone pillar on the left side as you cross the bridge. Jump through the window and land next to it.

Lucky Die #8: In a Basement
The next Lucky Chest is in the basement of the same house where you found one of the Mount Craw Scrolls. Check the location on the map, and you’ll see the said house on the left side of the road while moving towards the large mill in the distance.

Lucky Die #9: On a Dock
After you get the previous Die Chest, cross the bridge nearby, and you’ll reach Baaldaar’s Lair. The first collectible here sits at the end of a dock on the right side of the courtyard while facing the mill.

Lucky Die #10: In a Schack
For the second Die in this area, turn around after the previous one and cross the courtyard. Look for it in a wooden shack.

Lucky Die #11: Inside a Frozen Cave
Another side-quest-related chest is the 11th I have marked on the map above. This one is in a frozen cave you’ll visit while playing the Forgery side-quest. Smash the icicles at the entrance, then turn left to spot it.

Lucky Die #12: Inside a Goblin House
The last set of collectibles is inside the Furious Gorge area. The first one can be spotted the moment you cross the first bridge. It’s inside a goblin house.

Lucky Die #13: Behind a Goblin Hut
Once you find the last Die, push deeper into the mines, and in the next area, clear all goblins first. Now, look for the next Lucky Die behind a goblin hut (pictured). Nearby, you should also see a small watchtower.

Lucky Die #14: On a Wooden Platform
The next Mount Craw Chest is trickier because it’s on an upper platform and impossible to spot from the ground. This one is basically above the previous die chest. Once you get the last one, look for a ladder on the other side of the camp. Climb it; then, you’ll find the Mount Craw Rune Switch.
Go around it, and you’ll see a ledge painted in yellow behind the Rune Switch. Avoid the air vent, then climb to the next platform. Now, if you look around, you’ll see a wooden bridge. Cross it, then drop on the lower platform on the other side (there are two air vents here). Avoid them, and in the corner is the Lucky Chest.

Lucky Die #15: Next to a Goblin Shack
Immediately after the previous Die, jump to the area below and use the same ladder to ascend back to the Rune Switch. While standing next to it, look around to spot a lower platform and, on it, a goblin shack. Nearby is the 15th Chest. Jump on the mountain wall below to get to it.

Lucky Die #16: In a Watchtower
As you progress deeper into the mines towards the boss, you’ll see another Lucky Die on top of a watchtower. To get it, climb the small ladder (marked by the left arrow below), then look for another ladder behind the goblin house marked by the arrow in the middle. Jump to the next wooden platform and climb another ladder to get the collectible.

Lucky Die #17: On the Porch of a House
One of the most difficult Lucky Dice in Mount Craw is sitting on the porch of a house outside the mines; however, you will be able to collect it by accessing a bridge inside the caves. This one is best approached while looking for the Mount Craw Poetry Pages because one of them is sitting on the upper mountain wall nearby. Refer to this guide to reach it. After getting the page, drop on the porch of the house outside the cave and look around the corner.

Lucky Die #18: Behind a Stone Pillar
As you push towards the large forge and the boss area, just before crossing the bridge in front of the forge, look behind the stone pillar on the left side. You can see the Lucky Die and the forge below.

Lucky Die #19: Next to a Goblin Hut
The last Mount Craw Lucky Die is in the area known as Tribute Way. It is relatively easy to find because, as you can see, it sits behind a goblin hut. Make sure you get it before dealing with Vorcanar.

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