Upon collecting the nine Lucky Die Chests, it’s time to get the three Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Fearamid Scrolls or Lore Scrolls hidden by Gearbox Software’s developers. The Fearamid Lore Scroll collectibles are very accessible, provided you know where to look for them.
Where To Find the Fearamid Lore Scrolls
To make the guide as helpful as possible, let’s start with the Lore Scroll locations map below, which shows the exact spots for these collectibles. If you wish to get them in a single run, you should start from The Fearamid – Facing Fear fast travel point. Since there are no side-quests in this area, you won’t have to unlock new sub-areas.

Lore Scroll #1: On a Crate
To get the first Scroll, enter the large temple, and you’ll reach the Ruling Core, which is the central area. The moment you open the first door, on the right side, you’ll see a platform, and on it, the Rune Switch. Jump on that platform, and you’ll see two plates that spawn (pictured below).

Use them to get to the other side of the temple and collect the Lore Scroll on the crates in the distance. This one is named Left Behind, and it belongs to the Dragon Lord.
Lore Scroll #2: On a Round Plate
The second Lore Scroll in Fearamid is on a round plate, and you can’t miss it, mainly because it’s on the ground, and you’ll see it while crossing a hallway towards the Ancient Obelisk. You can see the location marked inside the tunnel on the map above. Head to the area below, and you’ll find the Obelisk. Before jumping down, collect the Scroll on the ground. The Scroll named Crisitunity also belongs to Dragon Lord.

Lore Scroll #3: On a Power Cable
Out of all three Fearamid Lore Scrolls, the third one is the trickiest and can be easily missed. This one is named My Own Story, and it sits on a power cable. To get it, first progress through the next area until you get close to The Faramid Catwalk To Obliteration fast-travel point.

The moment you exit the temple, you’ll see a wooden bridge you’ll need to cross. On the right side, if you look down, you’ll see the third Scroll on a cable. Cross the bridge ahead and then drop on the cable and get the collectible. On your way to the other side, you’ll also find a Lost Marble.
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