The Assassin’s Creed Mirage Anbar Gear Chest is a bit trickier than the one found in the Dur-Kurigalzu cave because it requires you to solve an interesting puzzle. Basically, to get the Gear Chest inside the Anbar Tower north of the Winter Palace, you must help Basim get a clear shot at a crane link inside the building.
The said link, however, is pretty easy to miss, and unlike other collectibles in the video game developed by Ubisoft Bordeaux, the AC Mirage Anbar Tower puzzle has only one possible solution. Since the chest contains another Hidden One Dagger Upgrade Schematic, and the northern Winter Palace Gear Chest counts as one of the nine Wilderness Chests collectibles, let’s see how to get it.
AC Mirage Anbar Chest Location
As you can see below, the AC Mirage Gear Chest in Anbar is north of the Winter Palace.

It is worth knowing that you won’t be able to get this collectible the first time you visit Anbar or during the game’s prologue simply because Basim has to join the order of the assassins. After you complete the prologue, however, this game opens up, and you can free-roam and explore all regions, including Anbar.
So, head to the city on the northwestern side of the Wilderness and locate the tower marked on my map above.
How To Get the Gear Chest North of Anbar Winter Palace
After reaching the location of the Gear Chest, approach the tower from the west, then scout the area to observe a crane with a hanging wooden platform. The crane (pictured below) is your starting point for solving the puzzle, so hop on it, then drop on the hanging platform.

Now, while standing on the wooden platform, turn around, facing away from the ruined tower. Jump to the withered tree nearby and move to the branch near the palm tree. Hop on the palm tree next, then pull yourself up and climb on the rope to get to the next palm tree.
Follow the next rope, then jump on the wooden poles and the next withered tree. From here, climb the branch above the water, then carefully jump on one of the wooden poles coming out from the water. Finally, jump on the withered tree in the water and get to the next branch, where you should see a hanging platform with a white piece of cloth on it. Make sure you remain on the tree branch. Now, turn towards the ruined tower, and you’ll see a small hole in the grates covering the upper window.

As you can probably guess, your objective is to throw a knife through the hole in the grates while aiming for the red link on the rope. By hitting the red link marked above, you’ll drop the platform inside the tower on some explosive barrels. When the barrels explode, they will clear the boulders blocking the entrance to the building. Now, all you have to do is return to the ground and head inside the Anbar tower. Climb the wooden platform inside, and the Gear Chest will be waiting for you.
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