Assassin’s Creed Mirage features a type of collectible called Enigmas, which are riddles and puzzles scattered throughout the city of Baghdad. In the Karkh territory, you might come across the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma in the northeast of Fief of Rayasansah district.
Solving these Enigmas can earn you rewards such as outfit dyes and talismans, but they usually require some detective work to figure out. If you want to solve the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me riddle in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, you might have to head out into the Wilderness to find your reward.
AC Mirage Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma Location
AC Mirage Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma can be found on the Officer’s Club roof in the Fief of Rayasansah district of the Karkh territory. The Officer’s Club is located northeast of the Qadi District Office Viewpoint. Please refer to the map below for its exact location.
Be cautious when you arrive, as the Officer’s Club is a Restricted Area and is heavily guarded. Upon reaching the rooftop location marked on the map, you will encounter a single guard stationed there. You have two options to obtain the Enigma’s scroll, either to quietly bypass the guard or to eliminate them stealthily. As you can see in the image below, I chose the second option.
Regardless of how you deal with the guard, make sure to use Eagle Vision to highlight the enigma clue scroll. It will be on a bench between two plants.
Where To Find the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma Hidden Treasure
The hidden treasure to the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage can be found in a burnt village located to the north of Jarjarayah. Start at the Sharqiyah Gate in Karkh, located southeast of the Officer’s Club, and travel to the marked location on the map below.
I suggest hopping on a mount before you set off because the settlement you need to go to is farther than you might expect. When you reach the marked location, find the hut with the small domed tower. The reward will be in the area with skeletons on the ground.
As a reward for figuring out the solution to the Solve This Problem Quickly For Me Enigma, you will obtain the Gold Hidden One outfit dye. If you need more help with Enigmas in Assassin’s Creed Mirage, we have more riddle solutions that might help you out. Check out our Find What I Stole, A Holy Hoard, and Left Behind Enigma solutions.
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