Now that you have found all Madrugada Criptograma Chests, it is time to look for those in El Este, and the first one you may want to unlock is the Far Cry 6 Concepcion Criptograma Chest. Like the last one we have found in Ida’s Refuge, the Concepcion Resolver Quarter Criptograma Chest requires two Criptograma Charts that allow you to unlock the chest and get a new gear set piece for Dani.
As such, this chest is mandatory, and even though it may look a bit difficult, the Concepcion Criptograma Charts are closer than you think. So, let’s see how to unlock this specific chest in the video game developed by Ubisoft.
Concepcion Criptograma Puzzle Solution
As you can observe on my map below, Concepcion is a rather large town found in El Este. Specifically, it is on the southeastern side of the region in the Conuco area. The chest you need to unlock is on the northwestern side of the town, but so that you know, this town is best visited while following Dani’s story.

Now, the first thing you’ll need to figure out when you reach the location above is how to get to the Criptograma Chest in Concepcion. That’s because this chest is on a rooftop. To get on the roof with the chest, head around the building and look for a ladder.
Use it to get to the lower roof near the collectible. From here, you’ll need to use the grappling point pictured below.

This action allows you to get to the roof of the building across the street. Now, all you have to do is use the zipline, and voila! You’re near the chest.
Where To Find the First Criptograma Chart
The first Concepcion Criptograma Chest is very close to your current location. While standing close to the chest, you can see a wooden ramp. Step on it, and look north to see the small market pictured below.

Head to this specific market, and on the right side, you’ll see a yellow building. It’s close to some stairs, and if you look through the window, you’ll see the first Far Cry 6 Concepcion Criptograma Chart (also pictured). This one is the Machete.

Where To Find the Second Criptograma Chart
The second Concepcion Criptograma Chart is even easier than the first one. It is found on the rooftop above the Concepcion Resolver Quarter Workbench on the northeastern side of the town. Climb the lower roof above the workbench, then on the upper roof to find it.

This is the Chalice Criptograma, and you can see that it is pinned on the wall.
Concepcion Criptograma Chest Rewards
Awesome! So now that you have both Concepcion Criptograma Charts head back to the chest following the path explained above. Use the grappling point, then the zipline, and open the chest to get the Hazmat Shoes MK II.

Good job! Now that you have got the Hazmat Shoes head towards Casa Marroquin to get the Hazmat Mask MK II.
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