Far Cry 6 Ojeda Farm Shed Key is an item you’ll need to find in El Este Region if you want to open the shed at Ojeda Farm and claim the chest inside. While other landmarks in El Este feature similar chests that don’t require keys, you’ll need a specific key to get inside the Ojeda Shed.
If you are a completionist, you’ll most likely want to secure the Far Cry 6 Ojeda Farm Chest; therefore, I’ll tell you how to do it below. Before we start, you should know that this location is not related to the main story in the video game developed by Ubisoft, but you may still want to find it for obvious reasons.
Ojeda Farm Shed Locked Door Location
On my map below, you can notice that Ojeda Farm is the landmark located east of Roca Pequena Sat Station FND Base. It is in Fernando Valley, which is part of the Conuco area.
When you get close to the location on my marked map, you’ll notice two buildings:
- A large pink house that is easy to access and doesn’t require any special items if you want to get all items inside
- A small shed (pictured) next to the large house
Get close to the shed, and you’ll notice that you won’t be able to open the locked door because you need a key.
Where To Find The Ojeda Shed Key
After you find the shed, you can see a note on the right side (also pictured above). It is a Short Handwritten Reminder and tells you where to find the Ojeda Farm Shed Key in Far Cry 6. As the note outlines, you can find the key “by the workbench at the guerilla overlook nearby.”
The next question here is where to find the guerilla overlook. The long answer short is north. So, after you read the Ojeda Farm Short Handwritten Reminder Note, go north around the shed, and you should be able to spot a Grappling Point behind the small building you want to access.
There is a blue tarp on it. Climb on it, then turn right and follow the path toward the top of the hill. As you ascend, on the left side, you’ll see a green tent and a workbench. Get close to it, and look at the table nearby. Next to the laptop, you can find the Ojeda Farm Shed Key in Far Cry 6.
After you get the key, all you have to do is retrace your steps back to the shed at the Ojeda Farm and open the locked door. Inside, you’ll find a chest and several Crafting Materials.
That’s all you need to know about the Far Cry 6 Ojeda Farm Shed and the stash inside, but now you may want to retrieve the San Antonio De Padua Cemetery Crypt Gate Key.
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