Far Cry 6 Espinosa University Classroom Keycard is a critical item you’ll have to find in Madrugada because it allows you to open the locked Classroom Door inside Espinosa University and retrieve the FND Chest at this location.
On top of this, you must find the Far Cry 6 Espinosa University Keycard if you wish to obtain the Jock Strap or one of the three Legendary Baseball Memorabilia items required for the Stealing Home Yaran Story. As such, below, I’ll tell you everything you need to know about this specific key and how to obtain it while approaching Espinosa University silently.
On the map below, you can notice that in the video game developed by Ubisoft, Espinosa University is an FND Base located in Madrugada Region, specifically in Aguas Lindas, on the northeastern side.

Now, if you want to clear the camp silently, then approach it at night and use a silent weapon such as one of the Unique Bows. On top of this, you’ll want to use the Wingsuit and land on the University’s roof for two reasons:
- First, because you’ll have the high-ground advantage and you can easily scout the area
- Second, because you’ll get the key faster without being noticed by Castillo’s soldiers
The moment you reach the roof of the most prominent building on the campus, your goal is to find the open window in my screenshot below. It is on the southern side of the building.

Descend the ladder you see above, and you’ll find yourself in a laboratory. Good job. Now, take your time to explore the lab as there are many crafting materials inside; however, don’t miss the Classroom Keycard found on the table in front of you the moment you enter the Biovida Lab.

Espinosa University Classroom Locked Door Location
Now that you have got the key, it’s time to exit the lab. When you do this, you’ll find yourself on the top floor of the University. Head right around the balcony and move towards the Far Cry 6 Espinosa University FND Chest you see on your minimap. Eventually, you’ll see the grey door in my screenshot.

Open the door using the key you just found; then, behind it, you’ll find the FND Chest. It is located just in front of you on some green crates.
How To Use the Jock Strap
Along with the chest above and some Crafting Materials, you’ll find a Jock Strap in this room. The Far Cry 6 Jock Strap may confuse you, especially if you find it before reaching Valle De Oro and setting your camp there. As you can see, this item is near a hazmat suit.

Get this item because otherwise, you’ll have to return here when you start the Stealing Home Yaran Story from Freddy Fonseca Jr. The quest-giver is in Cruz Del Salvador, an area in Valle De Oro, and he’ll ask you to find 3 Legendary Baseball Memorabilia:
- One of them is the Jock Strap above
- The second one is the Baseball Glove
- The third one is the Baseball Jersey
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