Resident Evil Village (RE8) Armory Item Locations

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Updated December 1, 2023

Castle Dimitrescu Armory Search Completed objective is achieved by finding a total of 7 items in this specific section of Resident Evil 8 Village. The RE Armory, available on the second floor (2F) of Castle Dimitrescu, is quite easy to navigate once you defeat Dimitrescu’s Daughter; however, some items can be missed.

As such, below you can see all Resident Evil Village Castle Armory item locations required to turn this area blue on your map. Before we begin, remember that you’ll reach this section of the castle through the western Hall of Pleasure hole.

If you did not explore that area, don’t worry because you’ll return there in a couple of minutes. Now, the moment you enter the Armory, your first objective is to deal with the boss. To do so, use a Pipe Bomb on the breakable wall. Once you are done with her, you’ll want to get the following items.

Crystal Torso (Treasure)

The Crystal Torso is the first because it’s dropped by Dimitrescu’s Daughter. Get it because you can sell it to Duke.

Resident Evil 8 Village Library Search Completed How To Turn Blue

Pipe Bomb & Lockpick

Now, if you open your map, you’ll want to check the northwestern corner of the room. Or the right side while facing the chimney with an Animal Skull above. In the table pictured below, there are two useful items: a Pipe Bomb and a Lockpick.

Resident Evil 8 Village Armory Search Completed How To Turn Blue

Mounted Animal Skull (Key Item)

Next, focus on the Mounted Animal Skull above the chimney in the Armory. After you pick it up, take a closer look at it via the inventory. Rotate the skull, then remove the screw on the back to receive the Animal Skull. If you remember from the Castle Dimitrescu Collectibles Guide, this item must be placed on the statue in the Hall of Pleasure after you get the mask.

Resident Evil 8 Village Mounted Animal Skull How To Use

Shotgun & Handgun Ammo

Now, as you exit the Armory, on the right side, while facing the door, there are two barrels. On one of them, you’ll find some Shotgun Ammo, while on the other one, next to it, some Handgun Ammo. Or a crate you must break.

Resident Evil 8 Village Castle Armory Armory Items Locations

Once you get the last two items above, the Armory Search Completed blue marker should appear on your map; however, you also need to clear the corridor between this room and the Hall of Pleasure.

Rusted Scrap (Crafting Material)

When you exit the Armory, follow the corridor towards the Hall of Pleasure, and while standing near the hole in the wall, look to the right. You can see a window and, next to it on a small shelf, some Rusted Scrap.

Resident Evil 8 Village Castle Dimitrescu Armory Armory Items Locations

Grab it, and then you’ll clear the Armory hallway as well. Now, focus on the Hall of Pleasure because here, you’ll need to find a very tricky Crystal Fragment.

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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