Resident Evil Village (RE8) Castle Dimitrescu Breakable Window Locations

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Updated December 1, 2023

Resident Evil 8 Village Castle Dimitrescu Windows are quite important if you aim to get 100% completion in the video game developed by Capcom because, without them, you won’t be able to unlock the Hooligan trophy/achievement.

The Resident Evil Village Castle Windows for the Hooligan achievement/trophy are best approached just before engaging Lady Dimitrescu for three reasons:

  • By the time you place the masks in the Hall of The Four, all castle sections are available, and if you got all maps following my collectibles guide, you’ll be able to see these sections on your map.
  • Even though Dimitrescu is chasing you, she is quite slow and easy to fool most of the time.
  • And finally, if you don’t break all 10 Castle Windows before you place the masks, you’ll leave the Castle and won’t be able to return here unless you load a previous save or start a new game.

Now that you know why you need to break these windows, let’s get to it and see where to find them. To make the whole hunt for the windows easier, make sure you start from the Main Hall, then follow them as they appear in the guide below. Remember that you’ll need to shoot all of them for the trophy/achievement to pop, so stock up on ammo.

Dining Room (1F) Windows 1 & 2

From the Main Hall, head to the Dining Room while collecting both hidden items here to get Search Completed. The first window is on the left side of the door, while the second one is on the right side. Both of them are pictured below (left and right).

Kitchen (1F) Window 3

From the Dining Room, head north and cross the Kitchen where you fought Dimitrescu’s daughter. There are two windows here, but they don’t count as they are part of the battle. The one that counts is on the right side of the corridor; once you exit the Kitchen, moving north.

Resident Evil 8 Village Castle Dimitrescu Windows Locations

Dimitrescu’s Chambers (1F) Windows 4 & 5

From the previous location, head back to the Dining Room, then exit the Courtyard. Go to the southern door to enter the southern wing. When you move up the stairs, shoot both windows on your left side.

Resident Evil Village Castle Dimitrescu Windows Locations

Dimitrescu’s Chambers (2F) Windows 6,7 & 8

Continue to move upstairs, and in the corridor ahead of you, there are three windows you have to destroy:

  • The first one (#6) is just around the corner
  • The next two (#7 & #8) are down the corridor, opposed to the entrance to the Hall of Ablution

Dimitrescu’s Chambers (2F) Windows 9,10 & 11

Now enter Dimitrescu’s Chamber, where you can find three more windows. The first two (#9 & #10) are on the right side of the door leading to her balcony. The third one (#11) is outside, so use the door in front of you to get to the balcony, then turn left to spot it. You can’t shoot this one from inside.

Opera Hall (1F) Windows 12,13 & 14

After you get the previous windows, head back to the Courtyard and then to the Opera Hall. The next 3 three are in the first room the moment you enter. Look to your left to spot them in the stairwell. Also, make sure you don’t miss the hidden items in this area if you want to get the Search Completed blue marker.

resident evil 8 village castle dimitrescu windows 12 13 14 - GameClubz

Opera Hall (2F) Windows 15,16 & 17

Continue up the stairs, and when you reach the second floor of the Opera Hall, you’ll need to find three more windows:

  • The first two (#15 & #16) are in the southern section in a hallway with a round table
  • The third one (#17) is in the northernmost room, where you find the Flower Swords Ball for the Labyrinth Puzzle

Hall of Joy (2F) Window 18

The next window is in the Hall of Joy. The moment you exit the Library (make sure you grab all hidden items), just before reaching the statue with the mask, turn right to spot it at the end of a small corridor.

Resident Evil Village Castle Window 18

Atelier (2F) Window 19

The last window is in the Atelier, which means that, most likely, you already destroyed it. It is the window in front of one of the bells that you have to find for the Bells Puzzle. Without destroying the window, you can’t ring the bell. Here it is, just in case you did not complete the said puzzle. Remember to climb the stairs in the Atelier to see it, and don’t leave this section without the two hidden items.

Resident Evil 8 Atelier Bells Puzzle Locations

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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