Resident Evil Village (RE8) Otto’s Mill Item Locations

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Updated December 2, 2023

Otto’s Mill is a Resident Evil 8 Village landmark that is quite rich in hidden items, cooking ingredients, and treasures; thus, you should explore it while playing the video game developed by Capcom on your way toward the Stronghold.

Since Resident Evil Village Otto’s Mill items are required to get the Search Completed objective on your in-game map, knowing where to find all of them is mandatory. This area should not be missed, especially because without the cooking ingredients inside, you won’t be able to cook all the recipes, and there is also a file collectible you need to read.

To get to Otto’s Mill, you have to obtain the Six-Winged Unborn Key from the Reservoir. Specifically, from the Mines under the mill, in Moreau’s Room, as explained here. That room, however, can’t be reached unless you deal with Moreau, or the third boss in the game, so you’ll get the said key on your way back to the Village.

Now, after you get the key, your next destination is the Stronghold behind the Six-Winged Unborn Gate north of the Church. Just as a side note, when traveling towards the said gate, make sure you clear the Church following this guide. Once you open the Six-Winged Unborn Gate, stick to the main path, then head north (left) to enter the area known as Otto’s Mill.

As usual, in order to make this Resident Evil 8 Village guide as helpful as possible, we will approach the items in Otto’s Mill in a specific order. This means that we will deal with the area outside Otto’s Mill first, then head inside the actual building and clear it for the Search Completed objective.

Goat of Warding

The moment you get to the clearing where Otto’s Mill is found, you’ll see a river. Get into the water, then turn right, and under the mill on the left side, you’ll see an altar with a Goat of Warding. Make sure you destroy it.

Resident Evil 8 Village Otto's Mill Items Locations

Breakable Crate #1

Now, retrace your steps back to the river. Cross it towards the locked gate on the other side, collecting the random item in the Breakable Crate under the shack (right side).

Resident Evil Village Otto's Mill Items Locations


Once you get the previous crate, shoot the locker on the gate. When you open it, you’ll see a pig running around. Kill it to get 2 Meat.

Resident Evil 8 Otto's Mill Items Locations

Breakable Crate #2 & 2 Mines

Also, in this courtyard, you can find another Breakable Crate and 2 Mines. They are sitting under another shack (pictured) where some wood is stored. Look for it in the northern section.

Resident Evil 8 Village Otto's Mill Search Completed

Crystal Fragment

After you collect the previous items, just turn around to spot some sort of device. It looks like an engine, and inside, you can spot a Crystal Fragment. Grab it so you can sell it to Duke.

Resident Evil Village Otto's Mill Search Completed

Awesome job! Now you are done with the courtyard in Otto’s Mill, so follow the ramp behind the house and get inside.

Shotgun Ammo

The first two corridors inside the mill are linear, and there are no items to be found. Your search continues when you enter the actual mill via the door on the right. Immediately after you get inside, turn left and go around the large saw. On the right side, you’ll find a box with Shotgun Ammo.

Resident Evil 8 Otto's Mill Search Completed

After you get the ammo, you may want to deal with the guy in front of you. He is busy, but you’ll get his attention. That’s the only way to advance, and from him, you’ll get the Giant Crystal Axe, a treasure you can sell to our friendly Duke.

Handgun Ammo

After you clear the area, close to the same saw where you found the ammo box above, but this time on a barrel, you’ll find some Handgun Ammo. Get it, then turn right.

Resident Evil 8 Village Otto Mill Items Locations

Sniper Rifle Ammo

Close to the previous location and also left from the door with three lockers, you’ll see some stored wood. Go around it and get the box with the Sniper Rifle Ammo pictured below.

Resident Evil Village Otto Mill Items Locations

Breakable Crate #3

Also, on the ground floor, but this time on the right side, while facing the door with the lockers, you’ll see a table. On it, you can spot a Breakable Crate. This is the third in Otto’s Mill.

Resident Evil 8 Otto Mill Items Locations

Breakable Crate #4 & 5

Next, follow the stairs to the second floor. There are two crates here, although if you shoot the explosive barrel on the ground floor, one of them is destroyed. Regardless, in the picture below, you can see both items. One is on the left side as you climb the stairs (in the corner of the platform). The other one is in the crate on the other side. They are pretty easy to spot.

Resident Evil 8 Village Otto Mill Search Completed

After you get the two items above, this room is fully searched, so head to the ground floor and shoot the three lockers on the door.

Herb, Meat & Poultry

The moment you enter the next room, you’ll see the real treasure in this mill. On the right side (on the white cupboard) is a Herb,  and on the shelf nearby, you’ll find 2 Meat and 1 Poultry. Don’t leave this room without them.

Resident Evil 8 Village Poultry Meat Locations

Fish, Meat, Metal Scrap & Ernest’s Diary Collectible

In the next room, there are even more items you can collect—specifically 4. Start with the Metal Scrap in the left corner of the room as you enter from the previous one. Then, get the Meat and the Fish from the table. Finally, read Ernest’s Diary on a smaller table nearby.

Resident Evil 8 Village Ernest's Diary Collectible

Cannibal’s Plunder Treasure Chest

Now, move through the next door, and down the hall, you’ll see the Cannibal’s Plunder Treasure Chest. It is impossible to miss and doesn’t require a key. Inside this chest, you’ll find Father Nichola’s Angel Treasure, which you can sell to Duke for quite some money.

Resident Evil 8 Village Cannibal's Plunder Treasure Chest

Breakable Crate #6, #7 & Gunpowder

The last three items in Otto’s Mill can be found on your way out. Simply investigate the shelf on the left side just before unlocking the door of the mill from the inside.

Resident Evil 8 Village All Otto's Mill Items Locations

Now, you are free to exit the building and continue your journey, and if you check your map, you’ll see that the Resident Evil 8 Village Otto’s Mill Search Completed blue marker appeared, so you did not miss a single item. The next area where you’ll find a lot of items is the Forbidden Woods covered here.

Welcome to our collection of Resident Evil Village guides created to help you beat all four bosses, finish all puzzles, and find all hidden items, collectibles, and weapons. Resident Evil 8 Village is a first-person survival horror game developed and published by Capcom for PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and Stadia. It was released worldwide on May 7, 2021.

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of and He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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