Little Odessa Marko’s Memory is the last collectible you’ll need to find (provided you followed the order on our Spider-Man 2 Strategy Guide) before triggering the Remember mission and meeting Sandman’s daughter, Keemia Alvarado. The Spider-Man 2 Marko’s Memory in Little Odessa District is, therefore, the thirteenth collectible. Like all other memories belonging to Flint Marko, the collectible is required to obtain 100% in Little Odessa.
Named Broken Promise, the audio log you’ll unlock by breaking Marko’s orange Crystal in Little Odessa reveals what happened to the Sandmand after he was captured and brought into an unknown dungeon.
Where To Find the Little Odessa Marko’s Memory in Spider-Man 2
On the map below, you can notice that Marko’s Memory in the Little Odessa District is found on the northern side, close to the river separating Little Odessa and Downtown Queens. So your first objective is to get to the location I have marked.

Marko’s Memory #1 (Broken Promise): On Top of the Loaves and Wishes Building
As you get close to the area on my map, look for a rather large building or factory named Loaves and Wishes. You can’t miss it because of its size. Climb on the building’s roof, and you should be able to spot Marko’s Memory Crystal you must break.

Before being able to interact with the Crystal, however, you have to deal with Sandman’s minions. Since you are on a roof, consider throwing them away for instant kills. For this Crystal, you must defeat a single wave. After the area is clear, interact with the Flint Marko’s Memory Crystal and break it by pressing L2+R2 on your PlayStation 5 controller.
The Broken Promises Memory reveals that Sandman decided to turn on the city while in captivity, and Flint Marko gave up his promise not to hurt people. While an antagonist, Flint Marko’s story is heartbreaking, and by finding his memories, you’ll discover the pain he went through. To complete his story, however, you must find one last Memory Crystal, part of the Spider-Man 2 Remember side mission.
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