The last mission in The Flame side story of Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 is It Was Meant For Me. In this Flame mission, Peter and Wraith team up to finally put an end to The Flame’s plans. The stakes are high, as there could be severe consequences if they fail.
How To Start the Williamsburg It Was Meant For Me Flame Mission in Spider-Man 2
Once you’ve finished the Trouble With Harry primary story mission and the I Knew You Had It in You Flame Mission, head over to the objective marker in the northeast corner of Williamsburg. As you land on the rooftop, make your way to the nearby table to initiate the It Was Meant For Me mission.

There, you’ll find the New York City map and a burnt Oscorp letter. After you inspect the table, Peter decides to head to the nearby scrapyard. He wants to figure out the connection between Oscorp and Crimson Hour.
How To Disarm the Bombs
When you arrive at the scrapyard, you’ll notice a group of cultists setting up bombs. It’s unclear what their intentions are, but there are innocent civilians trapped in a nearby building. You have the option to engage in open combat, but I would suggest using stealth instead as much as you can.
As you deal with the enemies around the scrapyard, you must also disarm four bombs. To do this, you must pull the bomb with +
and tap the
when the blue circle begins to shrink. If you miss the timing, the bomb will explode, hurting you and alerting enemies nearby.

How To Defeat the Cultists
Once you’ve cleared out the area and disarmed the last bomb, more cultists will come rushing out of a nearby building to check on the failed bombs. But don’t worry; Wraith will show up just in time to help you out. Fight your way through them, and just when you think you’ve got a handle on things, more reinforcements will arrive in vans.
After defeating all the enemies, an Oscorp train suddenly approaches with blaring horns. Unfortunately, the brakes do not work. Peter tries his best to slow it down by throwing out webs, but it doesn’t work. Wraith comes up with an idea to derail the train using some of the cultists’ remaining bombs.

To catch the bomb mid-air and derail the train, press +
when prompted. Keep doing this until the train is stopped right before it collides with the tanker trucks in the scrapyard. As a result, Peter will be stuck underneath the train when The Flame shows up. Peter mentions that he’ll need a new prophecy, but The Flame doesn’t seem bothered.

Then, The Flame explains his whole plan while pouring gasoline over Peter and setting him on fire. As the flames threaten to consume Peter’s suit, Wraith takes decisive action; she plows a truck into the train, causing it to flip over and freeing Peter from danger.
Wraith’s heroic act takes Peter aback, but she humbly explains that her ultimate goal is to save lives, and Spider-Man plays a crucial role in achieving that. Wraith also makes a solemn promise to track down The Flame, but she expresses concern about being turned in by Spider-Man.

In a gesture of trust, Peter tosses her lighter back to her, symbolizing his belief in her cause. Wraith departs from the scene with a sense of purpose, ready to continue her mission.
After finishing the It Was Meant For Me mission in Spider-Man 2, you’ll receive 8 Hero Tokens, 400 Tech Parts, and 3000 XP. Plus, you’ll unlock the Saving Lives Suit and the Crimson Hour Trophy. Wraith will also give you a call and let you know that she’s going to look into The Flame’s previous aliases, like Archie Able, Walter Wackman, and Cletus Kasady, but it might take a while.
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