Elden Ring D Hunter Of The Dead Quest Guide

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Updated July 16, 2024

D Hunter Of The Dead is an Elden Ring NPC you’ll meet early in the game while exploring the northern Limgrave area and the Summonwater Village Outskirts. As most NPCs in the video game developed by FromSoftware, D Hunter Of The Dead has a task for you, and he also allows you to unlock a new trader named Gurranq, Beast Clergyman.

However, the D Hunter Of The Dead questline is pretty long, but throughout the guide below, we’ll pinpoint all the locations you have to visit and the steps you need to follow to complete it.

How To Start D Hunter Of The Dead’s Questline

When it comes to starting D’s quest in Elden Ring, there are two possible scenarios, depending on how you progress through the game. The first scenario involves his first location, northwest of Summonwater Village Outskirts in Limgrave. You can see the said location marked on my map below.

Elden Ring D Hunter Of The Dead Questline

If you travel to this area, you should find D the Hunter Of The Dead, next to a corpse. You can also see the corpse in the following screenshot, but you can notice that D is missing.

Elden Ring D Hunter Of The Dead Quest Line

If this happens to you, you are basically in the second scenario, which occurs if you visit Roundtable Hold before reaching the first location and get one of the Deathroots D needs. So if you found a Deathroot while exploring the world and visited Roundtable Hold, D won’t spawn at the first location. Instead, he’ll wait for you on a chair at the table in the hold (pictured).

Elden Ring D Questline

Regardless of when and where you find D, his first task requires the same item known as Deathroot.

Where To Find D’s Deathroot

The Elden Ring Deathroot is a key item dropped by specific bosses, such as the Tibia Mariner in Summonwater Village, found close to D’s first location above. The Tibia Mariner Boss is very slow because of the boat he’s standing on, so dealing with him is pretty straightforward.

Elden Ring Tibia Mariner Location

Your goal is to focus on the mobs spawned by the boss before attacking him. Once you defeat the Tibia Mariner, you’ll get your hands on a Deathroot.

Elden Ring Deathroot Location

As you can guess, if you already have a Deathroot in your inventory, you can skip the step above. Now, you’ll want to return to D and show him the Deathroot, but his second location is based on the first one, meaning that:

  • You can find him near Summonwater Village, where you defeated the Tibia Mariner if he was standing near the corpse above
  • Otherwise, you can find him at the same table in Roundtable Hold

Upon showing him the Deathroot, the next step in D Hunter Of The Dead questline starts.

Where To Find Gurranq Beast Clergyman

Following D’s instructions, your next stop is Caelid, where you need to find Gurranq Beast Clergyman. The NPC is inside the Bestial Sanctum in the northeastern corner of Caelid.

Elden Ring Bestial Sanctum Location

It is worth mentioning that when you reach the Bestial Sanctum, you may want to find the secret area. Then, you’ll want to enter the Sanctum and feed the Deathroot to Gurranq. In exchange, he’ll offer various items.

If you wish to know what you can get from Gurranq every time you bring a Deathroot, here is the complete list of rewards.

  • Clawmark Seal & Beast Eye – After bringing a Deathroot
  • Bestial Sling – Received after the second Deathroot
  • Bestial Vitality – For the third Deathroot
  • Beast’s Roar – Reward for the fourth Deathroot
  • Beast Claw – Unlocked by the fifth Deathroot
  • Stone of Gurranq – Trade reward for the sixth Deathroot
  • Beastclaw Greathammer – Gurranq’s seventh Deathroot reward
  • Gurranq’s Beast Claw – Received for the eighth Deathroot
  • Ancient Dragon Smithing Stone -Awarded for the night Deathroot

Also, refer to this guide for additional tips on Gurranq’s hostility.

Finding Rogier

Now that you have met Gurranq, you’ll want to focus on defeating Godrick the Grafted or the first main boss in Castle Stormeveil. While exploring Stormveil Castle, you’ll come across Sorcerer Rogier in the Stormveil Castle Church. Upon talking to Rogier and beating Godrick, return to D and ask him about Rogier.

Next, you’ll want to find Rogier on the Roundtable Hold balcony (pictured) and talk to him about D, then return to the Hunter of the Dead and speak to him.

Elden Ring D Hunter Of The Dead Quest Locations

Once you do this, you’ll have to progress the game and start Fia’s questline, eventually leading to the Withered Dagger, an item you need to get for D.

The Withered Dagger

After you reach the Altus Plateau region and rest at any Site of Grace, travel to Roundtable Hold and speak with Fia to start her questline. Exhaust her dialogue, and she will hand you the Weathered Dagger to find its rightful owner.

elden ring d hunter of the dead quest fia weathered dagger - GameClubz

Once you have the Weathered Dagger, return to D Hunter of the Dead and give him the knife to trigger the next part of the quest.

elden ring d hunter of the dead quest weathered dagger choice - GameClubz

Reload the area by fast traveling at the Roundtable Hold Site of Grace, and you will find Fia and D Hunter of The Dead in a room past the blacksmith.

You will find Fia on her knees next to D’s corpse you can loot to receive D’s Bell Bearing and the Twinned Set (Twinned Helm, Twinned Armor, Twinned Gauntlets, and Twinned Greaves).

elden ring d hunter of the dead quest death reward - GameClubz

And that’s the end of the Elden Ring D Hunter of the Dead questline. If you have any questions or suggestions, leave them in the comments section below.

Welcome to the Elden Ring hub, which covers everything you need to know about FromSoftware’s most ambitious project. From collectibles to maps, items, dungeons, and Elden Ring bosses your Tarnished has to defeat, everything you need to know is covered here. Ready to finish the treacherous Elden Ring dungeons?

Don’t know how to use the strange items you find? Stuck while talking to an NPC? All your questions are answered in the Elden Ring guides and walkthroughs below!

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Vlad Susanu
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Vlad Susanu

Founder and Senior Content Producer at GameClubz, Vlad is the former CEO of VGFAQ.com and Primewikis.com. He's been playing video games since 1994 and likes keeping up with the latest releases, increasing his collection of PlayStation trophies daily.

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