Elden Ring Minor Erdtree Catacombs is a dungeon located in the Calid region and a twisted one because you can easily get stuck when trying to reach the boss chamber. Although relatively small and linear, the Elden Ring Minor Erdtree Catacombs dungeon also features two bosses instead of one, but it is worth approaching because of the Imp Head (Wolf) headgear you can find inside.
Therefore, throughout the guide, we’ll share with you the path you must follow to reach the Minor Erdtree Catacombs boss room or find the door that unlocks after pulling the lever.
Where To Find the Minor Erdtree Catacombs
In the video game developed by FromSoftware, Minor Erdtree Catacombs is east of Smoldering Church and northeast of Rotview Balcony.

Before heading towards the catacombs, though, it is worth getting the 5 Preserving Bollulouses from the Shack of the Rotting because the Minor Erdtree Catacombs is a rotten place, and they’ll help you survive in the last area, just before reaching the two bosses. After you get the said items, head to the Minor Erdtree to enter the dungeon via the door in the mountain wall.

As you can see, the Minor Erdtree Catacombs door is behind the large tree on the cliffs.
Once inside the catacombs, activate the Site of Grace and head down the stairs, but be advised that there is an Imp on the ceiling. Deal with him, then turn right and step on the plaque to activate the elevator. When you reach the lower floor, turn around to spot a tunnel (pictured).

Get the Grave Glovewort, then follow the passage on the left side to see a large room with a Rot pond in the middle. Here, you’ll have to deal with a lot of enemies. Some are in the pool (mostly slimes), while others are on the balcony above (ranged Imps).
Once you clear the room, head inside and remember to use the Preserving Bollulouses. From this area, you’ll want to loot the following items:
- Grave Glovewort – found on the right side as you enter
- Glass Shard – on the right side of the room under the balcony
- Grave Glovewort – also under the balcony, but on the other side
- Grave Violet – next to a stone pillar, close to the central area
- Aenian Butterfly – On the corpse in the rot pool
After getting all the items listed above, retrace your steps to the elevator and follow the next tunnel. As you descend the stairs, there will be an Imp waiting for you at the bottom and another one when you turn left, but it’s in the large room ahead.
Deal with both of them, then get the Grave Violet on the left side. The moment you enter the next room, there is a hidden Imp on the left side and another on the right side. Kill them and loot the Grave Glovewort near the central structure. Now, you should see the Minor Erdtree Catacombs lever pictured below.

In the next room, there are two enemies. One ambushes you from the right as you enter, and one is on the ceiling. Dispatch both Imps, then loot the Grave Violet and pull the lever. Now, you may think that the dungeon is over, but there is more, so the question here is where to find the Minor Erdtree Catacombs boss room.
Where To Find the Minor Erdtree Catacombs Boss Room
To find the Minor Erdtree Catacombs boss or the heavy door unlocked by the lever, retrace your steps to the elevator close to the starting point. Now, step on the plaque to activate the elevator, then step aside, moving away from it. This will activate the elevator, which starts moving up, revealing a hidden hole and a room just below it.

Before dropping below, be advised that an Imp is waiting for you. Once you deal with him, follow the stairs to reach another rot pool; however, first deal with the rot puddles.
Basically, the heavy door is at the end of the tunnel ahead, but there is another area you don’t want to miss. So, after you clear the tunnel ahead (don’t forget about the Preserving Bollulouses), head west, but look on the right side to spot a small door (pictured).

Get the Ghost Glovewort, and in the next room, quickly kill the crabs. Now, loot the Ghost Glovewort on the other side and get the Golden Rune from the corpse (pictured below). Next, look around the spot a ladder on the right side of the room (also shown).

As you ascend the ladder, there is an Imp on the right side and another one at the end of the next tunnel, past the Grave Glovewort on the left side. Keep pushing towards the next room, and loot the corpse on the coffin (screenshot below) to get the Imp Head (Wolf) headset, then turn right.

In the next area, you’ll get to the balcony above the large pool you’ve explored early in this dungeon. From here, you can collect a Grave Glovewort (left side as you enter) and two Sacramental Buds from the corpse hanging on the balcony.
After you get these items, you’ll want to retrace your steps all the way back to the rot tunnel leading to the boss. Take a right turn once you get there, then loot the Grave Violet near the pot on the left side.
After you turn left, you’ll see the large Minor Erdtree Catacombs Door that leads to the boss area. The bosses you have to defeat here are two Erdtree Burial Watchdogs. One is wielding a scepter, and the other one a sword. They are quite accessible, but you’ll want to focus on one at a time, starting with the one that wields a scepter.

As you can see, by defeating both Minor Erdtree Catacombs Erdtree Burial Watchdogs you’ll unlock the Mad Pumpkin Head Spirit Ashes, and you’ll be able to summon Mad Pumpkin Head Spirits.
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