Elden Ring Seluvis’s Potion Quest Guide

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Updated July 16, 2024

Preceptor Seluvis is an Elden Ring NPC who first appears in Ranni’s Rise during Ranni the Witch’s quest. He suggests you meet with him in person at Seluvis’ Rise Tower, also in the Three Sisters sub-region.

This initiates a quest, and we’ll explain how to complete Preceptor Seluvis’s Potion Quest in the game developed by FromSoftware for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.

Where To Find Seluvis’s Potion Quest

After you reach the Three Sisters sub-region in northwest Liurnia of the Lakes, you can access a couple of towers. Seluvis’s Rise is the tower located southwest of the Three Sisters sub-region.

Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Quest Where To Find

However, to open Seluvis’s Rise tower, you must first visit Ranni’s Rise and begin the Ranni the Witch Questline. By doing so, you will be able to communicate with Seluvis in his tower.

How To Complete Seluvis’s Quest

Seluvis can teach you sorcery, but he won’t until you finish the task for him. He asks you to take a potion and bring it to Nepheli Loux, thereby connecting Seluvis’s Potion Questline with Nepheli Loux’s Questline.

Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Quest How To Complete

Once you have the potion, go to Roundtable Hold and talk to Sir Gideon Ofnir about Nepheli. To the left, you can find him in the first room between books and bookshelves.

Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Quest Sir Gideon Ofnir

You will need to find Nepheli Loux, who may be found in either the Roundtable Hold or the Village of the Albinaurics, depending on your progress in other questlines.

NOTE: Nepheli will not talk about the potion until you have spoken with Sir Gideon Ofnir at the Roundtable Hold.

However, at the Roundtable Hold, you will be offered dialogue choices regarding the potion. If you finished the Village of the Albinaurics, talked to her under the stone bridge, and killed the Omenkiller boss, you will find Nepheli Loux downstairs after passing Smithing Master Hewg near the Imp Statue Seals.

Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Quest Nephali Loux

You can either give her the potion or go upstairs to talk with Sir Gideon about it. We would recommend talking with Gideon and showing him Seluvis’s Potion.

Elden Ring Seluvis's Potion Quest Give Gideon Seluvis's Potion

If you let him dispose of it, he’ll tell you to inform Seluvis still that you gave Nepheli the potion to fool him.

NOTE: The outcome of the quest is the same if you either choose to give Nepheli the potion or let Gideon dispose of it.

By doing so, you can continue Nepheli Loux Questline and complete it to receive a valuable reward. Return to Seluvis and inform him that you have given the potion to Nepheli Loux. Exhaust this dialogue until he repeats himself, and you’ll be able to study sorcery with him.

Welcome to the Elden Ring hub, which covers everything you need to know about FromSoftware’s most ambitious project. From collectibles to maps, items, dungeons, and Elden Ring bosses your Tarnished has to defeat, everything you need to know is covered here. Ready to finish the treacherous Elden Ring dungeons?

Don’t know how to use the strange items you find? Stuck while talking to an NPC? All your questions are answered in the Elden Ring guides and walkthroughs below!

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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