Divine Tower Of Caelid is a minor Elden Ring dungeon on the northern Caelid coast, northwest of Dragonbarrow Cave and northeast of Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace. The Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid dungeon is by far the most difficult in Caelid, not because of the mobs you have to deal with but because of the level design and the path you need to follow to get to the Godskin Apostle boss.
Simply put, the dungeon can be accessed from a balcony on the top of the tower, while the boss room is in the basement. To complete the dungeon, you must first get to the top section of the Divine Tower of Caelid.
Once you do that, you’ll need to start descending towards the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid basement. While it may sound like a rollercoaster, this dungeon is fun to navigate if you know what you are doing. So, throughout the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid guide below, we’ll tell you how to get to the final boss.
Where To Find Divine Tower Of Caelid
As usual, let’s start with the location of this massive building, and as you can see on my map below, the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid is on the northern coast.
To get you started, it is worth mentioning that the tower is best approached while riding northeast from the Dragonbarrow West Site of Grace. That’s because of the path we’ll outline below. So, from the said site of grace, ride northeast towards the tower, and you’ll see a rather large tree root (pictured below).
On your way toward the root pictured above, make sure you kill the Teardrop Scarab (also marked above) to get a Somber Smithing Stone [8], but be advised that the Scarab explodes. Great, so now, get close to the tree branch and look around to notice some ladders on the tower’s exterior walls.
How To Climb the Divine Tower of Caelid
To start your ascension towards the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid top floor, jump on the small branch below the edge of the cliff (marked in my screenshot).
The said branch has a white spider net on it, and when you reach its end, you’ll need to jump on the ledge that is on the tower’s exterior wall. Your objective is to get to the ladder marked by the left arrow in my screenshot above.
While standing on the ledge, deal with the soldier near the campfire by the ladder, then head up. Head right and drop through the crack on the ledge on the next floor, but make sure you land on the arched section (also marked below), then keep moving towards the soldier protecting another ladder.
Before going up the ladder, turn right, and you’ll see another arched ledge. Follow it, and around the corner, I have marked in my screenshot, you’ll find a corpse you can loot to get a Stonesword Key; however, there is also a soldier next to it. Be careful because the guard can push you.
After getting the Stonesword Key, head back to the previous ladder and climb it. Now, you’ll want to head left, and you’ll see a broken ledge. The idea here is to walk on it, jumping over the holes.
If the holes look too big for you, you can summon Torrent, but be careful because it is hard to control your mount. Once you get to the other side of the ledge in my screenshot, go around the corner and deal with the guard, then you’ll see another ledge with more holes.
Once again, you’ll want to jump over the holes and try reaching the next campfire, but you should summon Torrent this time because even if it’s hard to notice, the holes are bigger.
Next to the campfire I have marked above is the last ladder you’ll want to climb. On top of the tower, you’ll find the Divine Tower of Caelid: Center Site of Grace. Make sure you activate it.
Once you reach the Divine Tower of Caelid: Center Site of Grace in the video game developed by FromSoftware, there are two paths you can follow. One leads upstairs to a blocked door, so follow the other one (east) and start descending the stairs.
Be careful when you reach the bottom because two soldiers are waiting for you. One is in front of the small wooden door, while the second one is around the right corner, and he’ll ambush you. Now, you should be inside the tower. Ignore the wooden door for now and focus on getting down from here.
How To Get To the Divine Tower of Caelid Basement
Great, now that you have reached the top, it is time to learn how to get down to the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid’s basement. Your starting location is the locked wooden door where you fought the two soldiers. Approach the edge of the wall and jump on the stone plaque below.
Now turn around, then walk on the stone ledge on your left side. The goal here is to get on top of the stone bridge in the following screenshot.
Drop on it, and it will eventually break. Don’t worry because you won’t die during the fall. Now, the tricky part begins. From your current location, cross the narrow ledge in the following screenshot and look down.
Below is another stone bridge you can drop on. Be careful, though, and try using the wall on the other side of the ledge above to guide your fall. On this bridge, you’ll see a corpse you can loot for one Golden Rune [12].
Now, head to the other side (as opposed to the corpse) and look down after you get the rune. On the right side, you’ll see an extinguished brazier.
As you can guess, you’ll need to drop on it. Impossible? Not so much, but it is indeed hard because of the game’s dynamics. From the brazier above, turn around, and you’ll see two additional ledges.
Jump on the first one, then on the narrow ledge. Turn around, and now, look at the burning brazier. While standing on the narrow ledge, jump on it.
Now, turn around once more, and you’ll see another ledge below. Drop on it; then, you’ll notice a soldier and a cage. Jump on the next ledge, deal with the soldier, and get inside the cage.
How To Open the Divine Tower of Caelid Locked Doors
The moment you step into the elevator, you’ll move up, and this path is mandatory if you wish to open the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid Locked Door. It is important to outline that there are two locked doors inside this tower, and we’ll cover both of them below.
The first one is the wooden door you previously encountered, and it is the first one you’ll unlock. So, when the elevator reaches the top, head left and cross the hallway ahead, dealing with the soldier wielding the greatsword.
At the end of the hallway is a corpse you can loot for a Rune Arc. Now, head back to the cage, and without going inside, look for a ladder (pictured below).
You’ll see the wooden locked door when you reach the upper floor. Make sure you open it because it creates a shortcut if you die while descending toward the basement.
Now, the second Divine Tower Of Caelid locked door is larger, and it is on top of the tower. From the Divine Tower of Caelid: Center Site of Grace, follow the stairs leading up, and you’ll find it on the left side.
This specific door opens after you defeat Starscourge Radahn. You can do this by completing Redmane Castle while following Ranni’s questline. Now that you know how to open all doors, head back to the elevator or the cage mentioned above to continue your descent toward the Divine Tower Of Caelid Boss in the basement.
How To Reach the Bottom of Divine Tower of Caelid Bottom
Once you step into the cage, you’ll start moving down. Exit the cage and stay on the ledge of the central structure. Go around it (right), but look down to spot another cage further below. Next to it is a stone plaque (pictured).
Believe it or not, you’ll need to jump on it from above. This is a leap of faith, and curiously, you won’t take damage at all. Once you drop on the stone plaque below, step inside the second cage, and it will take you to the Divine Tower Of Caelid bottom area or basement if you want.
Now, rest at the Divine Tower of Caelid Basement Site of Grace and get ready to face the Godskin Apostle in the area below. By defeating the Godskin Apostle, you’ll unlock the Godskin Apostle Set, the Godslayer’s Greatsword, and 94.000 Runes.
After dealing with this boss, you may also want to check the Divine Tower Of Caelid’s exterior area because you’ll be able to find several corpses. Loot them to get a Dragonwound Grease, a Somber Smithing Stone [9], one Arteria Leaf, and a Rune Arc.
Did you manage to finish the Elden Ring Divine Tower Of Caelid? What do you think about this dungeon?
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