Elden Ring Flask Of Wondrous Physick Item Guide

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Updated July 16, 2024

Elden Ring Flask of Wondrous Physick is a unique flask that can be personalized using Crystal Tears to create unique effects, but you can only use it once per rest. This allows you to create elixirs with various custom effects. This guide explains where to find the Flask of Wondrous Physick and how to customize its effects in FromSoftware’s game.

Where To Find the Flask of Wondrous Physick

The Flask of Wondrous Physick can be obtained fairly early in the game. You can find it in the stone boul in east Limgrave, in front of the Third Church of Marika Site of Grace.

Elden Ring Flask of Wondrous Physick Location Where To Find

If you need help uncovering the map, check out this Limgrave Map Fragment locations guide.

How to Use and Customise the Flask of Wondrous Physick

To use the Flask of Wondrous Physick, you’ll require Crystal Tears, which can be found near Erdtrees and certain places throughout the Lands Between. At any site of Grace, you can mix two crystal tears in the Flask of Wondrous Physick.

Elden Ring Flask of Wondrous Physick Location How to Use

Where To Find Crystal Tears

You can find Crystal Tears at the bases of Minor Erdtrees and elsewhere throughout the Lands Between. Once you get the Flask of Wondrous Physick, you will also receive a Crimson Crystal Tear, which restores 50% HP. In the following, I will show you where you can find all the Crystal Tears in Limgrave to get you started.

Faith-Knot Crystal Tear

Faith-knot Crystal Tear can be found north of the Demi-Human Forest Ruins and east of the Church of Pilgrimage, down the cliff.

Elden Ring Faith-knot Crystal Tear Where To Find

You will find it in a bowl and surrounded by poison flower enemies. Faith-knot Crystal Tear temporarily boosts faith in mixed physick.

Spiked Cracked Tear & Greenspill Crystal Tear

Both tears are on an altar next to the Minor Erdtree, marked on the map below.

Elden Ring Spiked Cracked Tear & Greenspill Crystal Tear Where To Find

Spiked Cracked Tear enhances charged attacks for a time, and Greenspill Crystal Tear temporarily boosts stamina in mixed physick.

Crimsonburst Crystal Tear & Opaline Bubbletear

Both tears are in the center of the Weeping Peninsula.

Elden Ring Crimsonburst Crystal Tear & Opaline Bubbletear Where To Find

To get them, you will have to defeat the Erdtree Avatar boss, a large creature that looks like a tree stump right in front of the Erdtree. Crimsonburst Crystal Tear steadily restores HP for a time, and Opaline Bubbletear significantly negates damage in mixed physick.

Welcome to the Elden Ring hub, which covers everything you need to know about FromSoftware’s most ambitious project. From collectibles to maps, items, dungeons, and Elden Ring bosses your Tarnished has to defeat, everything you need to know is covered here. Ready to finish the treacherous Elden Ring dungeons?

Don’t know how to use the strange items you find? Stuck while talking to an NPC? All your questions are answered in the Elden Ring guides and walkthroughs below!

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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