The Elden Ring Ranni The Witch Quest is one of FromSoftware’s game main storylines (main quests), which, while lengthy, can be rewarding once you complete it. You first encounter Ranni at the Church of Elleh at the beginning of the game under a different name (Renna).
When you run into her again at Three Sisters, she reveals her true identity and recruits you as a servant, sending you off in search of a hidden treasure. Throughout this guide, we will focus on completing the quest as fast as possible rather than looting everything and fighting every enemy you encounter.
Where To Find Ranni The Witch
You can find Ranni The Witch in Ranni’s Rise Tower, past Carnia Manor, in Liurnia of the Lakes at the top of the tower.
Before starting the quest, make sure you finish Blaidd The Half-Wolf quest and talk to Iji the Blacksmith before proceeding, as he will later play an essential role in this quest. To reach Ranni’s Rise Tower, you will have to defeat Royal Knight Loretta, Carnia Manor’s final boss, and then continue to the Three Sisters.
Ranni’s tower is the one in the middle. Get inside the tower, take the elevator after activating the Site of Grace, and climb the stairs to find Ranni the Witch.
How To Start The Quest
After you speak to Ranni, she will ask if you want to join her service. Once you agree to plead service to her, Ranni asks you to find a way to Nokron, the Eternal City, and retrieve a hidden treasure. She then leads you to the first floor of her tower, where you will meet three recruits: War Counselor Iji, Half-Wolf Blaidd, and Preceptor Seluvis, all in spectral form.
Blaidd then tells you that he’s going to the Siofra River to find Nokron. Make sure to finish all three NPCs’ dialogues (twice with Iji, once with Blaidd, and twice with Seluvis). Return to Ranni and speak to her one last time. Until you complete this step, you will not be able to fast travel in or out of the tower.
Find Blaidd in Siofra River
Now, you must go to the Siofra River Well in Mistwood, east of Limgrave, to meet Blaidd.
Blaidd is positioned deep within the underground region, close to a cliff, near the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. Take the elevator down to Siofra River Well and touch the Siofra River Well Depths Site of Grace near the stairs. Jump on the horse and make your way through the enemies until you reach a waterfall with an entrance to the right.
Take the elevator up and again make your way until you reach the Siofra River Bank Site of Grace. While looking east, you will notice a stairway leading to some old ruins.
Near the pillar marked in the image below, you will find a corpse that you can loot to obtain the Siofra River Map Fragment. Alternatively, refer to this in-depth guide on where to find the Siofra River Map Fragment.
Make sure you grab the map. Now, you can see your position on the map. From there, head northeast until you see Blaidd.
The Half-Wolf will let you know that he can see Nokron but not get there. He then requests that you speak with Seluvis, as the Sorcerer knows more than he admits.
Where to Find Seluvis
You can find Seluvis outside Caria Manor in Seluvis Rise’s Tower, next to Ranni’s Rise Tower.
Talk to the Sorcerer Seluvis, take the potion for his side quest, and ask about Nokron. Seluvis will give you Seluvis’s Introduction so you can give it to Sorceress Sellen, which you can find in a small room in the Waypoint Ruins Cellar (where you can also bring the Royal House Scroll), north of Agheel Lake South Site of Grace.
When you first enter the dungeon, defeat Pumpkin Head and open the closed door to find Sellen. Before giving her the letter, you must first agree to learn Spells from her. After you learn the spells, you can show her the letter of introduction.
Sellen will then inform you that you must defeat Starscourge Radahn to reach Nokron, the Eternal City. The Demi-God has stopped the stars, and his death is the only way for you to set them free. Return to Blaidd at Siofra River, and he will tell you that there’s a Festival of Combat in Redmane Castle, and he will meet you there.
Where To Find Redmane Castle
Once you talk to Blaidd, you can find him in Redmane Castle, on a remote island southeast of Caelid. To get there, follow the path from the Rotview Balcony Site of Grace to the Impassable Greatbridge Site of Grace in Caelid to the south.
When you arrive at the site of Grace, go through the small teleportation gate next to it. Alternatively, you can clear Fort Gael and use the teleporter in the tower.
It will teleport you to the Redmane Castle. Follow this guide if you need help finding all Redmane Castle items. Climb the stairs until you reach Redmane Castle Plaza and talk to Blaidd, standing near a large fire.
This is optional, but you can also talk to Alexander Iron Fist (if you started his quest) and a woman to receive the Polite Bow gesture. Then, approach the NPC dressed as a clown and ask to join the fight against Starscourge Radahn. Follow his directions by going into the church to get to the lift leading to the portal to Radahn.To progress Ranni’s Quest, you have to defeat Starscourge Radahn.
Where To Find Ranni’s Hidden Treasure
When Radahn is defeated, a star will fall south of Mistwood, creating an entrance to Nokron, Eternal City. Travel south from Mistwood Ruins.
Look for a cluster of rocks floating in the air near the cliff. The entrance to Nokon, Eternal City, is directly beneath those rocks, so you can use them for guidance. Use your horse, Torrent, to carefully jump down on the platforms near the floating rocks.
From the location you see in the image above, head northeast to find the path leading to the platforms you can jump on. You will come across some ruins, and if you go a little further, you’ll find yourself in Nokron Eternal City.
To progress in the Eternal City, you must carefully jump on rooftops and defeat some enemies in your way if you choose to loot the area.
Continue jumping until you come to a small plaza where you will find the Nokron, Eternal City Site of Grace. An archway that appears to lead into a building can be found forward and slightly to the right. Instead, you will find an alleyway leading to a cliffside.
Continue forward until you reach an area that is blocked by fog. Here, you will encounter a Mimic Tear Boss, who copies your equipment and appearance to fight you.
To defeat this boss easily, remove all of your equipment before entering and then quickly put them back on after the Mimic Tear takes form. Due to this trick, the boss will be left without armor or a weapon. Upon defeat, you will receive 10.000 Runes, 2 x Larval Tear, and 1 x Silver Tear Mask.
After defeating the Mimic Tear, you will see a bridge heading north. Follow this bridge until you reach a forest area on your left. Jump down and head towards the left cliff wall; keep moving forward while hugging the wall until you reach an opening with a site of Grace.
Here, you will notice some more rooftops that you can jump on. You will need to jump onto the side of a building’s roof and make your way further into this area. After defeating the two silver mimics, find an arch with a road below.
Drop down on it and enter the church through the window. Progress further outside the church, and you will reach the Night’s Sacred Ground at the top of the stairs.
Inside, you will find the chest containing the hidden treasure known as Fingerslayer Blade. You will also receive a 1 x Great Ghost Glovewort with the Fingerslayer Blade. Now, Return to Ranni and give her the Fingerslayer Blade.
She will gift you the Carian Inverted Statue, which you can use in the Carian Study Hall to reach the top of the Divine Tower of Liurnia.
Where To Find Ansel River
After talking to Ranni, head to the first of the Three Sisters Tower, known as Renna’s Rise Tower, which was previously locked.
Inside, you will find Ranni’s Armor Set, which includes the Snow Witch Hat, Robe, and Skirt. Then, climb the ladder and use the teleporter to go to the Ainsel River underground. Move forward until you find an item known as Miniature Ranni. Take it and rest at the Ainsel River Main Site of Grace nearby.
You will have the new option to speak with the doll (talk to miniature Ranni). Nothing will happen at first, but after pressing it three times, the doll will speak and ask you to travel to Nokstrella, the Eternal City, and defeat the Baleful Shadow.
You will need to track down this assassin and defeat him to receive the Discarded Palace Key and progress the questline further. From here, head south through the river until you reach the Uhl Palace Ruins.
Head through the entrance between the giant statues to find a small river tunnel. Now, follow the tunnel until you reach a cavern with flying giant ants, head right, and you will find a gothic building with the door open. By going through the door on the left, you will arrive at the Nokstella, Eternal City Site of Grace.
A set of stairs will be on your left, and a ground-level path will be on your right. Follow the river on the ground-level path on the right until you reach a small building on the left with an elevator.
Take the elevator down to the Nokstella Waterfall Basin Site of Grace, which will be in front of you. There will be a cave directly in front of you, leading directly to the invasion fight you must complete.
There is a swarm of lizards within the cave that inflicts the death status effect, which will kill you instantly if the meter fills.
If you run past them, you will enter a red-tinged area where you will discover the Baleful Shadow, who resembles another NPC known as Blaidd (it’s not him). After defeating him, you will be rewarded with the Discarded Palace Key by Ranni.
From here, take the elevator down to the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace, located in the southeast corner of this area.
We will need to come back later, so activate this. Also, you can grab the Lake of Rot Map Fragment by looting the corpse near the shoreside. Fast travel to the Raya Lucaria Grand Library from here.
Use the Discarded Palace Key to unlock the chest next to Rennala to obtain the Dark Moon Ring, which we will need later.
After obtaining the Dark Moon Ring, fast travel back to the Lake of Rot Shoreside Site of Grace.
How To Cross the Lake of Root
Once you reach the Lake of Root edge of the water, you will see the building to the south from here that you need to reach. You can’t use Torrent here, so you will need many Crimson Flasks to restore health continuously.
Set your Crimson Flasks to maximum and start running south through the lake. Once you reach the building, there is a Site of Grace inside, so you don’t have to worry about using all your Crimson Flasks.
The Grand Cloister is filled with bug warriors, such as those found in Caelid. You will need to find your way to the ground level, where you will see a small red river flowing west and then south.
Follow this short river until you come across a stone coffin sitting on the edge of a waterfall. Rest in the coffin to progress to the next area.
You will be in a new underground lake area, but this one has regular water instead of scarlet rot; continue forward to find the boss fight. You will have to fight Astel, Naturalborn of the Void, a space scorpion-like creature.
After defeating the boss, you will receive 80.000 Runes and Remembrance of the Naturalborn. Follow the path through the cave until you reach an elevator, then take it up.
How To Finish Ranni’s Quest
You will reach a high plateau in the Liurnia region that’s inaccessible by other means. From the Moonlight Altar Site of Grace, you must proceed north up the hill into the Cathedral of Manus Celes.
A Glintstone Dragon boss will spawn directly in front of the cathedral as you are about to enter it. If you use your horse Torrent, you can ride past the dragon inside, where you will find the Cathedral of Manus Sellus Site of Grace.
To the right of the site of Grace, you will find a dark tunnel leading beneath the cathedral. You will want a torch or lantern because it’s pretty dark inside.
You must descend into the hole by stepping onto various ledges that lead downward. Continue along the cavern path until you come across Ranni’s actual body in a cavern.
Here, you will have to place the Dark Moon Ring on her hand, and she will tell you to continue your quest to become the Elden Lord. After she vanishes, you will discover the Dark Moon Greatsword, a mighty magical greatsword. In addition, after completing the game, the Age of the Stars ending will become available.
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