Elden Ring Sorcerer Thops Quest Guide

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Updated July 16, 2024

Sorcerer Thops is an Elden Ring NPC that you will meet on your journey through the Liurnia Region. This guide will show you where you can find Thops and his Academy Glintstone Key to fully complete this side quest.

Where To Find Sorcerer Thops

Sorcerer Thops is located in the Church of Irith in Liurnia. You will find him sitting on a bench between two stone pillars.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Location Where To Find

Speak to him and give him the 10 Runes he’s asking for. After you pay him, he will offer to teach you some Sorcery Spells, becoming a Merchant.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Where To Find

To start the questline, talk to him again and ask him about the Academy Glintstone Key. He would return to Raya Lucaria Academy with this key, where he had previously studied.

How To Get the Academy Glintstone Key

The Academy Glintstone Key can be found in Raya Lucaria Academy on a chandelier hanging on the Church of the Cuckoo’s ceiling. To get inside Raya Lucaria Academy, you will need to unlock the South Raya Lucaria Academy Gate barrier.

Follow this Elden Ring Raya Lucaria Academy Gate guide to find out how you can do it. Go through Raya Lucaria Academy until you reach the Debate Parlor Site of Grace.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find

Once you get there, head north from the Site of Grace into the courtyard. Turn to the northwest and climb the crumbled ramp.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find Ramp

Once you reach the top of the ramp, be careful with the two Raya Lucaria Sorcerers because they will immediately start pebbling you. Run up the stairs where the two Raya Lucaria Sorcerers are, turn left to the west, and jump over the railing to the stairs below. Kill both casters you encounter behind and in front of you, climb up the stairs, and turn left again.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find Ladder

Around the corner, you will notice a body hanging on the balcony’s fence and rooftops that you can jump on. On your way to the ladder, you will encounter Marionette Soldier and Marionette Archer. Climb up the ladder to the top, where you will see a runaway to a tower with a bell on the top.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find The Way

Here, you will encounter three Marionette Gargoyles and a Raya Lucaria Sorcerer. After you get rid of them, make your way to the right, on the narrow platform spread around the tower’s walls. Walk to the ledge and jump down the next section of rooftops until you reach the one rooftop marked in my screenshot below.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find Rooftops

Kill the enemy sitting on it and the archer on the left who will start shooting at you. Get close to the building where you killed the Marionette Soldier and jump down on the narrow platform around it.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key

You will see another building that you can jump across as you go around. Once you get on the other side and clean the area, you will notice the arch windows you can pass through (this is the ceiling of the Church of the Cuckoo).

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find Window

You will be walking on the Church’s ceiling’s small beams, so tread cautiously. If you look down from where the body is on the wooden beam, you will notice a glowing item on the chandelier. You can jump on the other wooden beam below and then jump to the top of the chandelier.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Academy Glintstone Key Where To Find Chandelier

Loot the body to find 1 x Academy Glintstone Key that you need to return to Thops. Once you have the extra Academy Glintstone Key, head back to Sorcerer Thops at the Church of Irith and give him the key.

Where To Find Sorcerer Thops in Liurnia

Thops travels back to Raya Lucaria Academy with his precious key, specifically in the Schoolhouse Classroom.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Key Where To Find in Raya Lucaria Academy

Fast travel to the Schoolhouse Classroom Site of Grace and head out on the west door. Take a right around the corner of the building, and you will find the corpse of Thops.

Sorcerer Thops Quest Where To Find in Raya Lucaria Academy

Loot his corpse to get Thop’s Bell Bearing, Academy Glintstone Staff, and Thops Barrier. That’s pretty much everything you need to know about Thops’ questline. Let us know what you think about it in the comments section below.

Welcome to the Elden Ring hub, which covers everything you need to know about FromSoftware’s most ambitious project. From collectibles to maps, items, dungeons, and Elden Ring bosses your Tarnished has to defeat, everything you need to know is covered here. Ready to finish the treacherous Elden Ring dungeons?

Don’t know how to use the strange items you find? Stuck while talking to an NPC? All your questions are answered in the Elden Ring guides and walkthroughs below!

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Sergiu Trifu
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Sergiu Trifu

Sergiu is the Chief Editor at GameClubz and a Soulslike expert. He is responsible for all FromSoftware game guides and in-depth walkthroughs. Feel free to check his social accounts and the latest video games he works on.

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