Elden Ring has two items that will allow you to change the appearance of your demigod armors: a Golden Sewing Needle and Tailoring Tools. Also, Boc the Demi-Human will want you to deliver him this item as you advance through his questline.
Follow our guide below to learn where to find them and how to use the Golden Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools in the video game developed by FromSoftware for PC, Xbox, and PlayStation.
Where To Find the Golden Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools
Golden Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools can be found on the east side of the Liurnia of the Lakes region at the Church of Vows.

When you get to the church, look to the northwest corner for a treasure chest. Open the chest to get the Gold Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools key items.

How To Use the Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools
Once you have obtained the Golden Sewing Needle & Tailoring Tools, you can use them to modify demigod armor pieces at any Site of Grace. While resting, you will see the Alter Garments option, which allows you to change the appearance of your demigod armor pieces.

Also, after you pick up the Gold Sewing Needle, you can find Boc the Seamster next to the East Capital Rampart Site of Grace and give it to him as part of his questline.

To give him the Golden Sewing Needle, you will need to meet two conditions:
- Purchase at least one legendary boss armor piece from Finger Reader Enia in the Roundtable Hold (not all armor can be altered).
- You have spoken to Melina about Boc at the East Raya Lucaria Gate Site of Grace.
This enables you to give him the needle, which allows you to change demigod armor pieces as well. Follow this guide to complete the Boc the Demi-Human’s questline.
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