Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Uldar Gear Wealth is one of the many Wealth collectibles you can obtain in the dwarven realm of Svartalfheim introduced by Dawn Of Ragnarok expansion. The Gear in question is named Fire Giant Bracers, and you will need it if you want to complete a five-piece set.
The Bracers can prove tricky to get, being well hidden somewhere in the Gullnamar region. And to make things even more complicated, you will also need one of the new powers introduced by the DLC. So, let’s see how to get this collectible.
Where To Find the AC Valhalla Uldar Gear Wealth
You will find the Gear Wealth in Uldar near the Smelting Foundry, as shown on the map below. The main quest, Finding Fritjof will also take you to this town. I suggest you fast-travel to the Grenhellir Shelter, which is nearby, west of Uldar.

Exit the shelter and cross the bridge at some distance in front of you. Immediately after entering the town, take the left road to go uphill, and turn right at the first crossroad you encounter because you want to head towards the Smelting Foundry. Instead of entering the Smelting Foundry on the left, keep going forward and up the stairs.
Now look to the east (use your compass to make it easier), and you will see another pair of stairs that you have to use. Once on the next level, you can see a river of lava coming out of the mountain through a big entrance.

Enter carefully on the left side to avoid the lava, and the AC Valhalla Uldar Wealth icon should appear on your compass. If you follow the icon, you will reach a dead end with a detachable boulder that you can’t budge because of some crates on the other side. So, let’s get you on the other side.
How To Get the Uldar Wealth in Gullnamar
Step back from the detachable boulder, descend the stairs, and get on the other side through the lava, preferably using the Power of Muspelheim. You should find a shrine where you can charge your Hugr-Rip and, on its left, a small entrance through the wall in the lava.

It is time for another hot bath, so use the Power of Muspelheim again and go through the entrance. You have to reach a breakable wall with an explosive jar near it.

You can’t get lost because the path is linear, so breach the wall. Go a few meters forward, and on the right, you will find your prize, the AC Valhalla Uldar Gear Chest.

To exit, there is a shortcut you can create if you break the crates and move the boulder. Now, head to Skidgardr to get the Fire Giant Armor, part of the same set.
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