The Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Bounty Order released for Lord Hunwald is a quest item you’ll find in Lincolnscire. It’s pinned on a tree, and if you read it, you’ll trigger a new Word Event and Mystery named The False Ealdormancy. Since the Mystery is required to get 100% completion in Lincolnscire, below I’ll tell you what to do with Lord Hunwald’s Bounty Order.
AC Valhalla False Ealdormancy World Event Location
On the following map, you can see the location of the Bounty Order for Lord Hunwald or the note you’ll have to read to start the said Mystery.
When you get to this location, look around, and at the crossroads, you’ll see a rather large tree. Pinned to its trunk is a Bounty Order, and this one is quite impossible to miss. You can also see it in my screenshot below.
Approach the note and read it to find out that the order was issued for Lord Hunwald, son of Hundbeorht, who returned to the kingdom after he was banished. For this crime, he must be captured.
Where To Find Lord Hunwald
Now, at first, you may think your objective is to capture Hunwald. Well, this is not true, and just so you know, you are not the only bounty hunter looking for him. In fact, your objective is to deal with a bounty hunter who claims to have captured Hunwald.
The problem, though, is that the captured man is not Hunwald. It is a poor soul that has nothing to do with the bounty. As such, you’ll have to free the man, and here you have two options.
You can wait for the bounty hunter to appear at the crossroads where you found the note, or you can look around and see if you can spot him.
The bounty hunter and his poor victim patrol the roads nearby. Just make sure you’re looking for a soldier riding a horse and carrying a tied man on the back of his steed. He looks just like the one in my image, and the funny fact is that you may be able to hear the poor guy the moment you approach the tree at the crossroads.
And now things are pretty straightforward. Kill the soldier or the bounty hunter, and save the man falsely accused of being Lord Hunwald, Son Of Hundbeorht. Next, talk to the poor victim, and you’re done with this World Event.
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