Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Crawelie Hoard Map is one of the Artifacts you can find in Suthsexe. Luckily, this one has a drawing you must decipher to get the hidden treasure. In case you need help with it, below I’ll tell you what you must do.
Where To Find the AC Valhalla Crawelie Hoard Map Location
The first step is to locate the actual Suthsexe Crawelie Hoard Map in Suthsexe. It is found in the small village named Crawleah, as you can see on my map below. Specifically, you’ll find it inside the Crawleah Warehouse.
To get it, you must explore the distrust area and look for it inside a small house. The map is waiting on a table like the one in my screenshot.
Where To Find the Crawelie Hoard Treasure
Once you pick up the treasure map, open your inventory, and check the drawing. You should be able to spot two rivers, a unique hill that looks like a rock, and several flowers on top of it. From your current location, you’ll want to ride south of Crawleah.
As you can see on my map below, your destination is the large lake (or swamp) just south of where you found the Hoard Map.
When you get to the spot on my map (the lake), you’ll see not one but multiple small islands with red flowers growing everywhere. These are the flowers depicted on your map. The treasure is located on one of these islands, northeast of the lake’s largest island (hill). Notice that there are also two young trees on the same island. The treasure is waiting for you in the small patch of red flowers.
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