It’s time to celebrate the Ostara Festival or prepare for Easter, Vikings, and the Assassin’s Creed Valhalla Let’s Get Festive side-quest will help you do that. So, to start this quest, you’ll first have to talk to Norvid.
He is the friendly fellow in my image below, and you will find him on the eastern side of Ravensthorpe, where your Vikings are ready to celebrate the Ostara Festival.

Obviously, your first goal is to introduce yourself, and then Norvid will ask you to decorate Ravensthorpe. Additionally, he’ll also give you 20 Festival Tokens. Make sure you add these to the Festival Tokens you already have, then buy some Settlement Comestics from the Festival Shop, which is the same shop Norvid runs.
Great then! So now it’s time to decorate Ravensthorpe, which is done by placing five decorations in specific locations.
How To Decorate Ravensthorpe for the Ostara Festival
To decorate Ravensthorpe, you must place an Ostara Festival decoration you have purchased from Norvid at a specific location. It’s not important which one you pick, and you can set the same decoration multiple times. Here are the spots you must decorate.
Decoration #1: In Front of Norvid’s Shop
The first location is the easiest. Simply cross the path in front of Norvid’s Shop, and you should be able to see the platform between two wooden poles.

Decoration #2: Behind Alwin’s House
The second decoration spot is behind Alwin’s house. The said house can be seen in the image above. Go around it (right side), and you’ll find it next to a tree.

Decoration #3: By the Big Tree in the Festival Area
The third location is also pretty easy to find. Look for it next to the big tree where the Ostara Festival is taking place.

Decoration #4: By the Large Tree in Front of Eivor’s Longhouse
The next spot you can decorate is by the large tree close to the path leading to Eivor’s Longhouse. This tree is quite hard to miss. Simply replace the old decoration or place a new one by interacting with the platform.

Decoration #5: By the Docks
Finally, head to the docks and look for another dragonhead platform that allows you to decorate the village.

Once you do that, the Let’s Get Festive Ostara Festival quest ends, and you can return to Norvid and let him know you’re ready to party! So, why not spend your time trying to get the most points in the Twirling Targets Archery Contest or finding all the Spiritual Defense Firepits you need to set on fire? Getting all Ostara Baskets of Eggs should also keep you busy during the Festival.
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