In Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, Acolyte Alwin is your Flyting opponent in Cent, although you’re about to find out he’s only a translator because, in fact, you’ll duel another priest who took a vow of silence. His name is Brother Quiescis, but since he can’t talk, we can assume you are facing Acolyte Alwin, especially because we can’t verify what Quiescis is saying or trying to say.
As usual, defeating Acolyte Alwin and Brother Quiescis at flyting in Cent counts as an AC Valhalla World Event, and since our goal is to get 100% completion in each region, in the following guide, we’ll talk about the correct answers you should give. Then, we will take all the silver these two priests carry in their pockets.
Where To Find the AC Valhalla Cent Flyting Duel
So, let’s start with the flyting location in Cent, which is taking place in Canterbury, as you can see on my map below.
When you get to the location on my map, just in front of the Canterbury Barracks, you’ll find Acolyte Alwin. He can’t be missed because he’s a priest wearing a robe.
Acolyte Alwin Answers
Good then, so approach Alwin (pictured), and he’ll tell you that he sucks at flyting.
His friend, though, is the one you’ll face, although judging by how Quiescis looks, he is the stupid one. But we may be wrong, and this won’t stand in our way, meaning we will still get their silver. After the introductions, agree to duel Quiescism and place the maximum bet (200). Then you’ll have to give him the following answers, as usual, before the time runs out.
- First Answer: Though you speak through another, your writing’s still poor.
- Second Answer: Though you choose to be quiet, your folly is loud.
- Third Answer: With such drivel to speak, I see why you keep mum.
Obviously, our priests will not be happy that you defeated them, but unlike Ove The Scarred, they won’t start a fight. Take their coins, and feel free to spend them as you see fit. Easy money, right?
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