Asser is an Assassin’s Creed Valhalla priest and a quest objective for a Mystery you can complete to achieve 100% completion in Wincestre. Your goal is to figure out how to help Asser, who spent quite some time inside a church waiting for a sign from God. What kind of sign? Well, some light will do just fine. So, let’s see how to help Asser see God’s light. More or less.
AC Valhalla Asser World Event Location
On my map below, you can see the location of the Asser World Event in Wincestre or, if you want, the spot where you’ll start the said mystery. Asser is inside a church located north of Wincestre Seminary and east of Wittan Hall.
When you get to the location, you’ll find two priests. The first one is reading and claims that he is waiting for a sign from God, while the second one is begging him to go outside because he spent too much time inside the church and started to smell. Or, simply put, Asser stinks.
The first monk is our smelly target. When you interact with him, he won’t have much to tell except for his obsession with God’s signs. Here is what you have to do next.
How To Show Asser a Sign From God
While standing close to Asser, turn around to spot several windows. On the right side, you’ll see two windows with colored glass. One is opposed to Asser (pictured below), and one is above the door.
Shoot both of them so the light can enter the church. After you hit both widows, head outside and turn left. Go around the church, and you’ll see a wooden platform. Climb on top of it, and you’ll notice several shelves. There are 4 of them.
Interact with the third one, move it to the left, then do the same with the 4th one. The idea here is pretty simple. The shelves block the light, and your goal is to remove these obstacles so the light can get inside the church.
Now, the last thing you have to do is to go back to Asser. When you talk to him, he’ll be quite excited because he saw God’s light, and he’ll finally leave the church. Hopefully, his next stop is the bath, while yours should be the starting point of the Romeo and Aethelflaed Mystery.
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