Dawn Of Ragnarok Fornama Dig Site Ingots can be obtained by exploring the Gullnamar region of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, and you will have to do just that if you want 100% completion in this area.
If you look at the map below, you will notice two Ingot Wealth collectibles you must retrieve in Fornama. For one of them, you must use a new power introduced by the Dawn Of Ragnarok expansion released by Ubisoft. The second one is also a little tricky because it’s hidden behind a secret entrance.

Where To Find the Southern AC Valhalla Fornama Dig Site Ingot
For the first AC Fornama Dig Site Ingot, you must go to the south main entrance. However, don’t enter the area ahead. Instead, go up the hill on the right until you see some stairs descending into the lava pit (like in the screenshot below ).

Use the Power of Muspelheim to walk through the lava without taking damage and go down the stairs. There, you will find the first Fornama Dig Site Wealth Chest.

How To Get The Northern Fornama Ingot Wealth
For the second Ingot collectible, head north towards the secret entrance marked on your map upon opening the previous chest. Underground is the second Wealth in Fornama Dig Site. Rocks cover the entrance, and you need to find a way to clear it, as you can see in the image below.

Directly above, you can spot a crane holding a lot of rocks. Move aside to see the rope holding the load and use Odin’s Sight to reveal a weak point. Now shoot it with your bow, and the secret entrance will be revealed. Get inside because you haven’t finished yet. You will come across another entrance covered by rocks.
For this one, grab the jar from the right and throw it into the wall of rocks from a safe distance so you don’t take any damage. The room you discovered holds the second Fornama Dig Site Wealth on Ingot.

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