The Collector’s Cave Collection Chest is a Hogwarts Legacy treasure chest that counts as a collectible, and it’s located in a dungeon in the North Hogwarts Region. You can access the Collector’s Cave dungeon while completing the Helm Of Urtkot main quest. If you missed the Chest by any chance, don’t worry; you can return whenever you want.
The Collector’s Cave Chest is part of the 7 North Hogwarts Region Collection Chests, and you need all of them if you want to achieve 100% completion in this northern region.
Where To Find the Collector’s Cave Chest in Hogwarts Legacy
The Collector’s Cave dungeon is found on the east side of the North Hogwarts Region, west of Hogsmeade village, at the location marked on the Hogwarts Legacy map below.
There is a Floo Flame right near the dungeon’s entrance, and if you have it unlocked, you can fast-travel to it. Once in the dungeon, to get to the Collector’s Cave Chest, follow the linear path until you reach a room with a hole in the middle. Go near the hole without dropping down and turn north to see a door.
Next, you must open the door using the Accio spell learned during the Charms Class main quest and head inside. The Chest is up in the opening on the right, and to reach the high place, you have to cast Wingardium Leviosa on the crate with the handle to position it so you can climb on it and reach the collectible’s location. Wingardium Leviosa is a spell you unlock after completing Professor Garlick’s Assignment 1.
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