Hogwarts Legacy Clagmar Coast Astronomy Table requires you to solve a little puzzle, assuming you want to achieve 100% completion in the southernmost area. Completing Astronomy Tables side activities by solving their puzzles will also unlock customization items claimable from the Exploration Challenges menu.
However, before you start looking for Astronomy Tables, you need to complete the Astronomy Class main quest.
Where To Find the Clagmar Coast Astronomy Table in Hogwarts Legacy
On the following Clagmar Coast map, we’ve marked the location of the Astronomy Table.

As you can see, the Astronomy Table is found directly south of the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame or northeast of the South Clagmar Coast Floo Flame. So, fast travel to one of the two Floo Flames and go to the spot pinpointed on the map above to find the table next to three stones on the edge of a cliff.

How To Solve the Clagmar Coast Astronomy Puzzle
Before interacting with the table, you must make sure it’s nighttime. As such, if it’s daytime for you, open the map, press the /
button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller, then
to wait out the time until nighttime.
Now interact with the Clagmar Coast Astronomy Table and get familiarized with the buttons that control the telescope, displayed in the bottom right corner of your screen. To solve the puzzle, you need to align the model in the middle of your screen with the brighter stars, which represent the Lupus constellation.
Hence, you must press /
to zoom in, then rotate the telescope to the right with the right stick to get a perfect match.

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