Hogwarts Legacy Manor Cape Astronomy Table is a side activity for which you have to solve a little puzzle, assuming you are aiming for 100% completion in the region. However, you must first complete the Astronomy Class main quest, and only then can you tackle the Astronomy Table in question.
Keep in mind that if you find and solve all the Astronomy Tables puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy, you obtain the Starry-Eyed Seer gear appearance set, which can be claimed from the Exploration tab of the Challenges menu.
Where To Find the Manor Cape Astronomy Table in Hogwarts Legacy
On the following Hogwarts Legacy map of the Manor Cape area, we’ve marked the exact location of the Astronomy Table. As you can see, you’ll have to make your way to the south side of the region.
The quickest way to get there is to travel fast to the West Manor Cape Floo Flame, then head southeast on your Broom. Once you reach the spot, you’ll see that the Astronomy Table is on the second floor of some ruins.
Also, in the same ruins, you can find one of the three Manor Cape Infamous Foes and one of the five Manor Cape Merlin Trials.
How To Solve the Manor Cape Astronomy Puzzle
To interact with the Hogwarts Legacy Manor Cape Astronomy Table, you must first ensure it’s nighttime. If it’s daytime, you should open your map and press / on your PlayStation 5/Xbox controller, then /. After switching to nighttime and interacting with the table, you’ll start a mini-game where you must match the model in the middle of your screen with the Sagittarius constellation (the brighter stars).
To do so, you’ll have to control the telescope using the buttons in your screen’s bottom right corner. To get a perfect match, all you have to do is zoom out by pressing / and then rotate the telescope with the right stick.
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