Carted Away is a side quest you can complete while exploring the South Hogwarts Region in Hogwarts Legacy. You will first reach the South Hogwarts Region when you meet Natty Onai in Lower Hogsfield Hamlet during The Girl From Uagadou.
After you talk with Natty Onai and complete the story mission, to start the Carted Away side quest, you must find the NPC Arn, a goblin who lost his business after getting attacked by Ranrok’s Loyalists. First, you must travel to Lower Hogsfield, a hamlet south of Hogwarts Castle in the South Hogwarts Region.

Once you enter the hamlet, you must go to the left down the road and pass the two houses. The quest giver stands sad by the lake in front of a well, as shown in the following picture.

Now interact with the NPC, and he will tell you that his possessions got stolen by the loyalists because Ranrok has no patience with goblins who don’t want to join him. The bandits stole his carts and most precious paintings and took them to a camp southwest of Lower Hogsfield hamlet. Arn enchanted the carts to return to him if they ever got stolen, so all you need to do now is find the Ranrok’s Loyalists’ camp and free them.
Where To Find Arn’s Carts
Arn’s possessions are hidden in a camp southwest of the hamlet in the Hogwarts Valley region, more precisely at the location on the map below.

The camp is full of powerful goblins, so be sure you have plenty of Wiggenweld Potions to keep your health up during the battle. After you take down all Ranrok’s Loyalists, look for the gate inside the camp shown in the following picture.

Now you must open the gate and watch how Arn’s carts start to move by themselves down the road leading to Lower Hogsfield hamlet. To complete the Carted Away side mission, return to the place marked on the first map where you started the side quest and speak again with Arn, who will give you a Goblin-Made Helmet as a reward for your effort.
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