Hogwarts Legacy The Bell Tower Wing Field Guide Pages collectibles are 34 in number, and the most Guide Pages you’ll find in any area of Hogwarts Castle. Just like for the Astronomy Wing Field Guide Pages, the collectibles in the Bell Tower Wing will require the following spells:
- Confringo
- Accio
- Lumos
- Levioso
- Revelio
- Alohomora, the upgraded version, learned during The Man Behind The Moons side quest.
Because of the high amount of Guide Pages in the Bell Tower Wing, you could spend some serious time finding the collectibles, especially if you don’t know where to look. But don’t worry because I’ll tell you where they are.
Where To Find All Bell Tower Wing Field Pages in Hogwarts Legacy
To quickly get to the Bell Tower Wing, you must open your map of Hogwarts Castle, select the middle right flag, and then fast travel to any of the 5 Floo Flames in the area.
To continue, we’ll go over each Field Guide Page in the Bell Tower Wing area of Hogwarts Castle.
Field Guide Page #1 (Bloody Meat): In Front of Some Bloody Meat
For the first Bell Tower Wing Field Page, you have to fast travel to the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame. Then, turn toward the castle, walk a couple of meters forward, and go through the door to the right to enter the Thestrals stable. Immediately turn right and go through the door to the right by picking the level 1 lock using Alohomora. Now, cast Revelio in front of the bloody meat to make the first collectible appear like magic. The Guide Page is named Bloody Meat.
Field Guide Page #2: On a Wall
Get out of the Thestrals stable after getting the first collectible and look up toward the northeast to see a brazier on the wall. Cast Confringo on the brazier, then grab the second Field Guide Page using Accio.
Field Guide Page #3: Next to Three Hanging Cages
Upon getting the second collectible, go through the door bottom left from the previous brazier to find a carriage. Next to the carriage is a door with a level 1 lock you need to pick using Alohomora. Then, go through the door to find a black mirror on one of the walls in the room, next to three hanging cages.
Now, you have to solve a moth mirror puzzle, which you can start by casting Lumos in front of the black mirror to make it display a location. You must find a moth at the said location; therefore, get back outside and head northeast, sticking to the castle wall, but without going up the stairs.
Stop when you reach an area with a couple of trees and one of the castle wall’s towers. The moth is on the eastern side of the tower, and you must cast Lumos next to it to make it follow you back to the mirror. Once you get the moth to the mirror, the third Hogwarts Legacy Bell Tower Wing Field Guide Page appears.
Field Guide Page #4 (Castle Ramparts): In a Tower
Now return to where you find the moth for Guide Page #3, then head southeast on the castle wall and go through the door to enter a tower. Then, cast Revelio in the middle of the tower to reveal the Castle Ramparts Guide Page.
Field Guide Page #5: Flying Above A Fountain
After getting the previous collectible, get out of the tower and get on your Broom to fly to the fountain to the east. Look above the fountain to see another Field Guide Page flying around.
Field Guide Page #6 (Glumbumbles): In the Middle of Some Beehives
Now go through the opening in the stone fence northeast of Guide Page #5 and turn left to see some beehives. Cast Revelio in the middle of the beehives to reveal the sixth Hogwarts Legacy Field Guide Page. The collectible is named Glumbumbles.
Field Guide Page #7: Next to a Pile of Stones
For the next Guide Page collectible, fast travel back to the Hogwarts North Exit Floo Flame, head toward the castle a couple of meters, then go northeast, sticking to the castle wall, and go up the first stairs you encounter. Once up, go west on the wall and go through the door to enter a tower.
Get out of the tower through the other door and make your way forward. Now, you’ll reach another door for which you must pick a level 1 lock using Alohomora, then head inside to find a statue next to a pile of stones. Cast Levioso while aiming at the statue to make the next Page appear.
Field Guide Page #8: Flying Above a House
The eighth Page in the Bell Tower Wing can be found near the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame. After reaching the Floo Flame, look up at the roof of the house next to the fast travel point and wait until the Page flies above you. It may take a while for the Page to spawn, so be patient. Use Accio once you see the collectible to grab it.
Field Guide Page #9 (Caged Bathtub): In Front of a Cell
Upon obtaining Page #8, get on your Broom and head to the castle wall west of the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame. Land on the wall and head to the southwestern tower, where you should find a bathtub inside a cell. Cast Revelio in front of the cell to reveal a page named Caged Bathtub.
Field Guide Page #10 (Quidditch Pitch): Next to the Destroyed Wall
To continue, exit the tower from where you got the previous collectible, but through the second door, not the one you used to enter. Then, proceed to reach a destroyed portion of the wall where you must drop down. Cast Revelio on the cliff facing Quidditch Pitch to make another collectible appear. The Page is named Quidditch Pitch.
Field Guide Page #11 (Hogwarts Owls): Near a Ladder
The eleventh Guide Page will take you back to the Beasts Classroom Floo Flame, where you must get on your Broom and fly to the tower high on the southern mountain. Get inside the tower through the door near the owl statues and head up the stairs. Once you get off the stairs, you’ll find yourself in an area with many owls, and to reveal the eleventh Guide Page, you need to cast Revelio near the ladder. The collectible is named Hogwarts Owls.
Field Guide Pages #12 & 13: On the Top of a Tower
After getting Page #11, head up the ladder next to it to reach the top of the tower. Look for a statue in the small area, and when you find it, cast Levioso to make the collectible appear. Also, another page flies above the tower, and you need to use the Accio spell to grab it.
Field Guide Pages #14 & 15: In Front of a Damaged Armour and a Broken Broom
Now fast travel to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame and look toward the northwestern door. Guide Page #14 is on the left side in front of the damaged armour, and Guide Page #15 is on the right side in front of the broken Broom. However, you must cast Revelio to be able to see them. The pages are named Flattened Armour and, respectively, Broken Broom.
Field Guide Pages #16 & 17: Next to and Flying Above Some Stairs
Upon dealing with the previous two collectibles, look northeast of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame.
You should see one Guide Page flying above the stairs, which you can grab by casting Accio. Also, you can see three bells next to the stairs, and if you cast Revelio in front of them, you reveal the Three Sisters Bells Page.
Field Guide Pages #18 & 19: Next to a Door and Next to a Vase
The next two Pages are up the stairs north of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. One is in front of the wooden cat next to the northeastern door, and to see it, you must use the Revelio Spell. As you can see, the Page is named Wooden Cat. For the other collectible, you have to go up the stairs to the southeast and turn left to see an unlit brazier next to a vase. Aim the brazier and cast Confringo to reveal the Guide Page.
Field Guide Pages #20 & 21: In Front of Some Polearms and on Top of Some Stairs
For the next two collectibles, you must go up the stairs west of the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Guide Page #20 is in front of the polearms to the right, and Guide Page #21 is on top of the stairs to the left. You need to cast Revelio on both locations to reveal the Pages named Goblin Artefact and Scorch Marks.
Field Guide Page #22 (Frog Choir): In a Room With a Frog Choir
Upon obtaining Page #21, continue climbing the stairs and then proceed through the linear corridor to reach a room with what seems to be a frog choir. Cast Revelio near the frogs at the bottom of the stairs to reveal the next Page named Frog Choir.
Field Guide Page #23: Near a Skeleton
Now, head through the door up the stairs south of the previous collectible, then go to the door on the other side of the room. Pick the level 1 lock using Alohomora and head through to find an unlit brazier near a skeleton on the left side. Use the Confringo spell on the brazier, and another Page will appear.
Field Guide Page #24: On Top of Some Stairs
The next Guide Page will require you to solve another moth mirror puzzle, which can be found by first fast traveling to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame. Then, go up the stairs to the west, head through the door in front, climb more stairs, and turn left to find a black mirror on the wall to the right on top of even more stairs. Cast Lumos in front of the mirror to see the location of the moth you have to find, then turn around and go back down the stairs.
Now, head through the door to the southwest and make your way to the desk in front. Go through the door behind the desk by picking a level 1 lock and immediately turn right to see the moth under a tree. Use the Lumos spell again, this time near the moth, to make it follow you back to the mirror, where the next Page appears.
Field Guide Page #25: In Front of a Stained Glass Window
When you finish with Guide Page #24, head down the stairs and go through the door to the southwest. Then, cast Revelio in front of the middle stained glass window on the right side to reveal the History Of Magic Windows Page.
Field Guide Pages #26, 27, & 28: Flying Around Some Pillars, in Front of a Sphinx Statue, and at the Back of a Corridor
To continue, go through the door behind the desk south of the previous collectible and look toward the southwest. You should see a Guide Page flying around the pillars, one if you cast Revelio in front of the sphinx statue to the right and another if you use Levioso while aiming at the statue at the back of the corridor.
Field Guide Page #29: In Front of a Tapestry
For Guide Page #29, you must fast-travel yet again to the Bell Tower Courtyard Floo Flame, from where you must go up the stairs west, then head through the door in front and down the stairs to the left. Now go down even more stairs and head to the tapestry with the letter K, which is actually a secret door. To get through the secret door, simply walk into the tapestry precisely at the letter K.
You’ll find yourself in a corridor with statues on both sides, and you must go through the door at the back to reach a room with more tapestries. Among the tapestries, you’ll find again one with the letter K, and if you cast Revelio in front of the letter, you’ll reveal the Werewolf Saga Page.
Field Guide Page #30 (Urn Of Ashe): In Front of a Red Urn
After making Guide Page #29 yours, leave the secret room and head to the right. When you reach the railing, turn around to see a red urn on the right side. Go in front of the urn and use the Revelio spell to reveal another Field Page, which is named Urn Of Ashes.
Field Guide Page #31 (Sleeping Dragon Statue): In Front of a Dragon Statue
The next Guide Page is in front of a dragon statue on the left side after descending several stairs from the previous collectible. Cast Revelio in front of the statue to make the Sleeping Dragon Statue Guide Page collectible appear.
Field Guide Page #32 ( Important Muggle Artefact): In Front of a Display Case
Now, go to the corridor on the other side of the dragon statue from before and head through the first door on the left to reach a classroom. Use Revelio in front of the canon behind the display case on the left side of the room. The Field Guide Page that will appear is named Important Muggle Artefact.
Field Guide Page #33: In Front of a Painted Wall
For the next collectible, you must first fast-travel to the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flame in the Astronomy Wing. Then, head northeast of the Floo Flame and enter the second door to the left by picking a level 1 lock. Once inside, go up the stairs and turn around to see a statue in front of a painted wall. Cast Levioso on the statue to reveal the hidden Page.
Field Guide Page #34 (The Old Librarian): In Front of a Large Painting
The last Guide Page is close to the Library Floo Flame in the Library Annex area. Once at the Floo Flame, go up the spiral staircase to the southeast to reach a large painting. Use the Revelio spell next to the painting to reveal The Old Librarian Guide Page.
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