Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Field Guide Pages are invisible collectibles you need to find with the help of the Revelio spell, assuming you are aiming for 100% completion in the southeastern area. Even if the collectibles are invisible, they have markers on the map to help you locate them, but still, you need to get close.
Field Guide Pages reward you with 80 XP for each one you find and collect.
Where To Find the Two Cragcroftshire Field Pages in Hogwarts Legacy
As you can see on the following map, there are two Field Guide Pages in the Cragcroftshire area. One on the northern side and one on the southern side.

Field Guide Page #1 (Giant Shade Tree): Next to a Giant Tree
The first Hogwarts Legacy Cragcroftshire Guide Page is in Cragcroft, the wizarding settlement on the region’s east side. To quickly get to the village, you can use the Cragcroft Floo Flame if it is unlocked; if not, hop on your trusty Broom and fly there. Once in Cragcroft, look for the huge tree in the middle of the settlement and cast Revelio next to it to reveal the first collectible. Now grab the Guide Page to find out it is named Giant Shade Tree.

Field Guide Page #2 ( Dragon Skeleton): Next to a Huge Skeleton
For the second Cragcroftshire Field Page, you must head to the beach on the southern side of the area at the second location marked on our map. You’ll also find one of the five Cragcroftshire Merlin Trials on the same beach.
Once you reach the spot, look for the huge skeleton by the water and cast Revelio next to its head. You should now be able to see the Dragon Skeleton Guide Page.

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