Horklump Hollow is a vast Hogwarts Legacy cave in the Forbidden Forest and features a Collection Chest you’ll need to obtain if you aim for 100% completion. The Horklump Hollow Collection Chest is part of the 6 Forbidden Forest Collection Chests, which all count as collectibles.
You might have already visited the Horklump Hollow dungeon during the A Friend In Deed side quest, where you help Sirona Ryan by retrieving a box full of old letters for her. However, it is possible to miss the Chest because it’s well hidden in the large cave. So, let’s see how to get it.
Where To Find the Horklump Hollow Dungeon Chest in Hogwarts Legacy
The Horklump Hollow dungeon is located in the southeastern corner of the Forbidden Forest region. The fastest way to get to the cave is to fast-travel to the Upper Hogsfield hamlet and head west to the location on the map below.

Once you reach the entrance to the cave, which you’ll spot a lot easier by flying high on your Broom, head inside to start looking for the Horklump Hollow Chest.
Head forward in the dungeon, and you’ll soon reach some thorns blocking your progress. Use Incendio to clear the path. You learn this spell after completing Professor Hecat’s Assignment 1. Then, jump over the small gap when you reach it, and go forward until you come across some wooden boards in the middle of the path.
Use Confringo (learned after completing In the Shadow of the Undercroft main quest) to blast the wooden boards, then drop down and turn around. You should see a hole you can crouch through to reach an area with water.

The Collection Chest should now appear on your mini-map, and as you can see, it’s on a table to the south.

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