Hogwarts Legacy Clagmar Coast Landing Platform is a straightforward side activity you must complete if you aim for 100% completion in the southernmost area of the open world. We say straightforward because all you have to do is find the platform and land on it, as the name suggests.
However, the Clagmar Coast Landing Platform is positioned high on a cliff you can reach only with the help of your Broom. As such, you’ll have to complete the Flying Class main quest and head to Hogsmeade to buy your own Broom.
Where To Find the Clagmar Coast Landing Platform in Hogwarts Legacy
The Landing Platforms in Hogwarts Legacy don’t have markers on the map, which makes finding them harder, but to help you out, we’ve marked its location on the following map.
As you can see, the platform is on the east side of the area. The fastest way to reach the spot is to use the Clagmar Castle Floo Flame and head southeast. Then, look for the platform on a cliff by the beach.
Upon finding the Clagmar Coast Landing Platform, you must position yourself above it with your Broom and hold the / button on your PlayStation/Xbox controller to land. Then, go to the middle of the platform to complete the side activity and get 80 XP.
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