Hogwarts Legacy Poidsear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspots will help you unlock an extra Ancient Magic Slot by completing Exploration Challenges. However, the two Poidsear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspots may not be enough to get an upgrade, and you’ll have to venture into other regions.
There is also a requirement you need to meet before looking for Ancient Magic Hotspots, and that is to complete the Percival Rackham’s Trial main quest.
Where To Find the Two Poidsear Coast Magic Hotspots in Hogwarts Legacy
First, you must find the Magic Hotspots; thus, we’ve pinpointed their locations on the following Poidsear Coast map. Now, let’s see how to complete these side activities in the game.

Ancient Magic Hotspot #1: In Front of a Ruin
The first Poidsear Coast Magic Hotspot in Hogwarts Legacy is located southwest of the Phoenix Mountain Cave Floo Flame on the north side of the region. Once you reach the first location marked on our map, you can find the magic pool in front of the door of a ruin.

Interact with the Hotspot, then go through the door by picking a level 1 lock using Alohomora. Now, cast Confringo on the wooden boards blocking the entrance on the right side of the table with food. Head in, then use Confringo again, this time on the boulders next to the chalkboard on the left side, and you’ll reveal the first magic rune.
For the second magic rune, you must first go to the crate with the handle on the left side of the table from before. Cast Wingardium Leviosa while aiming at the box and put it on the hay pile with the pieces of wood on the western part of the room.
Climb on the crate to reach the second floor, where you must use Confringo to burn a spider web, then jump on the other side of the gap and turn left to see the second magic rune. Upon obtaining the rune, head west, carefully crouching to find a ladder you must climb to get to the next floor. The third magic rune is on the floor’s east side, and once you obtain it, you clear the Magic Hotspot, getting credit for the collectible.
Ancient Magic Hotspot #2: In Front of a Bridge
For the second and last Hogwarts Legacy Poidsear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspot, you must go south of the South Poidsear Coast Floo Flame. The magic pool is in front of the bridge at the said location, and you need to interact with it to continue.

To obtain the first magic rune, cross the bridge and get into the small building on the left side by climbing on the wooden platform. Then, destroy the wooden fence and jump on the other side to reach the rune. Now get out of the building through the way you came in or by using Accio on the handle next to the gate.
Next, head into the larger building south through the door next to the stairs, then immediately go left by crouching to reach a room with a globe in the middle and some Devil’s Snare on the left side. To find the second rune for the last Poidsear Coast Ancient Magic Hotspot, cast Lumos near the Devil’s Snare and head inside.
Upon obtaining the rune, head back to the room with the globe in the middle and cast Confringo while aiming at the vines on the southern wall. Now cast Accio while aiming at the handle on the same wall to open a secret door revealing a crate.
Use Accio again, this time on the crate, to position it in front of the handle on the wall. Then, climb on the container to jump to the second floor and reach the third rune, clearing the magic pool.
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