Hogwarts Legacy Manor Cape Balloons are floating collectibles split into two sets of 5 pieces each, and they are all mandatory if you want to achieve 100% completion in the area. To collect them, you must mount your Broom, then go through the Balloons, popping them and leaving confetti behind.
So, you need a Broom to reach the Balloons, which can be bought in Hogsmeade after completing the Flying Class main quest. If you clear enough Balloon sets in Hogwarts Legacy, you complete Challenges, unlocking Broom skins. The rewards can be claimed from the Exploration tab of the Challenges menu.
Where To Find the Two Manor Cape Balloon Sets in Hogwarts Legacy
To help you locate the two Balloon Sets faster, we have marked their locations on the following map, and as you can see, both are on the western side of the area.
Balloon Set #1: Floating Above the West Manor Cape Floo Flame
The first Hogwarts Legacy Manor Cape Balloon set floats above the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. If you have the Floo Flame unlocked, use it to fast-travel to the spot; if not, use your trusty Broom and fly here.
Now pop the five Balloons, and you’re done with this set. Also, it’s worth mentioning that on a cliff near the northernmost Balloon in the set, you can find one of the two Manor Cape Landing Platforms.
Balloon Set #2: South of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame
The second and last Manor Cape Balloon set is floating near the coast south of the West Manor Cape Floo Flame. The second Landing Platform in the region is next to one of theBalloons.
Pop the five Balloons in any order you want, and the side activity is marked as completed.
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